November 11, 2012
“To awaken greater courage, meditate upon Gevurah. If you’ve been feeling weak, indecisive, or timid lately, it’s a potent ally. When Gevurah appears in a divinatory spread, it counsels the necessity for discernment in daily life, differentiating among specific people, relationships, and situations more accurately. Also, be sensitive to the quality of respect: Are you respecting others enough? How about yourself? The essence of Gevurah is sound judgment.” – Copyright – The Kabbalah Deck: Pathway to the Soul. Edward Hoffman
Google Maps 2012
After sleeping in, Ricardo and I finally woke up and went out for a late breakfast. After breakfast, we headed across town to find the location for my next meditation. Since neither of us had been in that area of town before, we weren’t exactly sure where we were going. I couldn’t remember if the location of my mediation was supposed to take place on 57th Avenue, or 59th Avenue. Using the GPS on my smartphone, we located Sahuaro Ranch Park on the 33°34’12” Parallel on 59th Avenue.
We pulled into the parking lot, found an empty space, and found ourselves facing a beautiful Grapefruit orchard. It was at this point that I decided that even if we were in the wrong location, this would be the place for my meditation. Something about this orchard told me that I was in the right place spiritually.
Positioned at the following coordinates, 112°11’12.48″ Latitude, 33°34’12” Longitude…
Google Maps 2012
…I invoked the 72 Names of God “Great Expectations” angel between 1:33 and 1:53 PM.
I found a lot of wisdom in this particular mediation. In the past, after completing something of a spiritual nature, I always looked to God or the Universe for an immediate response or reward. And when that did not happen, I became disappointed. I never took into consideration that the seeds that I had planted, by nature, had to grow eventually, but it was up to God and the Universe as to the timing. This meditation gave me faith that no matter what, my journeys would bear fruit at some point, whether in this lifetime or the next.
Once my meditation was complete, I reunited with Ricardo and took a stroll around the park grounds. While taking in the sights and sounds of the park, we noticed a couple of peacocks in a nearby cornfield.
Peacock offers the following wisdom:
- confidence,
- immortality,
- beauty,
- dignity.
- Seeing past, present, and future.
That afternoon, we returned home to continue packing for the move to California, and while we were cleaning up the backyard, I noticed a small hawk sitting on the top of a tree in a neighbor’s yard.
That was the second hawk that I had seen in two days. I knew in the past that whenever a hawk appeared, it was time to move and get going.
Although I knew my days in Phoenix were numbered one way or the other, I wasn’t sure if the hawk confirmed my move to San Francisco, asking me to visit my sister in North Carolina. I patiently waited for clarity. That evening, Ricardo and I went to the gym, and then I drove him to the airport to catch his flight back to California. He departed for Oakland, California, at 9:55 PM.
At the same time, my niece had called to inform me that my sister was worse and planned to see her doctor the following morning. I asked her if she thought I should come home, and she reassured me that it wasn’t necessary. I asked her to call me if anything changed. I returned home and began working on my journal. While asking for Divine protection, I shuffled my Voyager Tarot cards and chose a card for the fifth sefirot, Gevurah:
Gevurah: Strength | Obstacles | Opportunities
Meaning: The following card identifies those things in my life that I have faced and must face in the future. What do I need to overcome or introduce into my life to take me to the next level?
Voyager Tarot: Seeds Planted | Future Outcome
I randomly chose the Breakthrough | Seven of Worlds card.
©Voyager Tarot
Throughout my journey, I continuously had to learn how to “breakthrough” certain limitations that had been placed on me, especially regarding my living situation and my finances. While those limitations were sometimes necessary to keep me in a particular place or situation for an extended amount of time so God or the Universe could send me a message or teach me a lesson, I also believed that those same limitations helped me develop faith and determination.
I added the strength of breaking through life’s limitations to my Tree of Life.
Once I made sure that Ricardo had arrived safely in California, I went to sleep. It was 1:23 AM.