June 7 thru July 18, 2012
On June 7, after pausing my journey, I took a moment to reflect on the last 2.5 years of my life. It had been that long since I had held a full-time job or visited a doctor for a physical. Without a regular income, I struggled to keep my journey going. At this point, I questioned whether or not I should go any further. I couldn’t justify it, but I still needed to see this journey through to the end. Part of me wanted to see if I could do it.
On June 12, at 11:20 AM, I decided to randomly choose a 72 Names of God card for inspiration. I chose No. 10, “Looks Can Kill: Protection From The Evil Eye.” Ten minutes later, between 11:30 and 11:50 AM, I invoked this angel for protection and guidance.
I prayed that any mean-spirited intentions aimed toward me preventing me from completing my journey would be healed. A couple of hours later, I met with a friend who had just returned from a 10-day trip to Italy. We spent the entire afternoon discussing everything that had happened during her visit to Venice, Florence, Assisi, and Rome.
During our visit, she gifted me several beautiful items that she had brought back from Italy, one of which was a crucifix that had been blessed by the Pope after she and her traveling companions attended a papal blessing at the Vatican.
I felt an immediate connection to this item and the energy embedded in it from the Pope’s blessing. After reflecting on this incredible gift for a few days, I took the crucifix into the palm of my hand and thanked the Creator for the energy connection to the Pope and the Vatican. I then used this connection to pray that a tsunami of universal truth and pure, Unconditional Love flood Pope Benedict XVI, the Vatican, and every person associated with this place on Earth.
I envisioned this light of truth and Unconditional Love entering through Pope Benedict XVI’s crown chakra, slowly filling every cell of his body, and then spreading out in every direction. I then imagined his soul and entire being completely overtaken by this love and light. I declared this in the name of true Christ Consciousness. I performed this exercise at 10:53 AM on Friday, June 15, 2012.
A couple of nights later, I had the following dream:
In my dream, I was aiming… (If you are pointing a gun or weapon, then it represents feelings of anger or pent-up sexuality.) …and trying to fire a loaded gun… (To dream that you shoot a person with a gun denotes your aggressive feelings and hidden anger toward that particular person.) …at a stranger. (To see a stranger in your dream signifies a part of yourself that is repressed and hidden. Alternatively, it symbolizes the archetypal dream helper offering you insight and advice.) When I pulled the trigger, the gun failed to fire. (If you dream that a firearm fails to fire, it indicates you feel powerless in some waking situation.) I then laid the gun down on the ground. The being walked over, picked up the gun, and let me know that he was not a threat to me. Then, suddenly, a blue heron… (To see a heron in your dream represents self-reliance, stability, tactfulness, and careful forethought. You will achieve much success through your efforts.) …flew into view with a dead bird in its beak. (To dream of dead or dying birds indicates disappointment. You will find yourself worrying over problems nagging at your mind.) As the heron laid the dead bird down on the ground, that appeared to be some sacrifice or offering… (To see an animal sacrificed in your dream indicates that you are ready to give up your basic, carnal desires for spiritual pursuits and enlightenment.) …the strange being began performing acupuncture (To dream that you are getting acupuncture suggests that you need healing. You may need to divert your energies to different pursuits. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for a problem or issue you must pinpoint.) …on my left… (To dream of your left arm signifies your supportive or nurturing nature and is associated with feminine qualities) …arm. (To see your arms as the emphasis in your dream indicates your nurturing side and ability to reach out and care for people. Alternatively, it may represent the struggles and challenges in your life.)
In the early morning of June 19, under a new moon, I chose a 72 Names of God meditation card for additional insight. I ended up picking No. 13, “Heaven On Earth.”
I then went to sleep. Eight hours later, the same morning, I woke up feeling somewhat refreshed and rejuvenated but still uncertain as to what I should do next. I spent the entire day of the new moon running various thoughts and ideas through my mind. I finally invoked the “Heaven On Earth” angel that evening between 11:40 and 12:00 AM and asked the heavens once again for clarity.
The very next day, the first full day of summer, I decided to choose yet another 72 Names of God mediation card for additional inspiration. This time, I randomly picked No. 25, “Speak Your Mind.”
I invoked this angel between 11:40 PM and 12:00 AM, and 34 minutes later, at 12:34 AM on June 22, 2012, I decided to publish the following information.
THE COURTYARD OF THE PIGNA (above) – This courtyard off the Vatican Museum, designed by Bramante, a colossal pinecone, which was once part of a fountain, and a giant head of Octavia (Roman matron, sister of Emperor Augustus and wife of Marc Antony). The giant pinecone represents the Pineal Gland; it is a remnant of the Old (Constantinian) St. Peter’s Basilica. The pinecone is found in almost every religion; there is also a pinecone on the Pope’s Staff.
THE PINEAL GLAND (above) – The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis, conarium, or the “third eye”) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that modulates wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name) and is located near the brain’s center, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.
The large pinecone in the COURTYARD OF THE PIGNA is a monument to the Vatican’s attempt to connect to every person’s pineal gland, or “third eye,” and their connection to the God source, their higher self, and their psychic intuition. We’re taught at an early age that being psychic or intuitive is of the devil when, in fact, every human being is born with this God-given ability. These abilities connect us to everything in the natural world. This knowledge is something we should honor and cherish.
It has been scientifically proven that less than 10% of our DNA is being used. The other 90+% of our DNA is called “Junk DNA,” but it is Divine DNA. This Divine DNA is programmable by language, words, and thoughts. It is also programmed by nature, the Earth, the cosmos, and God’s source. This Divine DNA is attached to our emotions and can be affected in the following ways:
Fear: When we live in fear, we give off a very low frequency, and our Divine DNA is shut down. This low frequency affects not only our Divine DNA but also our overall health. Anger, stress, worry, doubt, uncertainty, hatred, jealousy, greed, vanity, self-pity, manipulation, control, and judgment all contribute to this low frequency and the shutting down of our Divine DNA. These emotions disconnect us from our higher selves and our ability to program or activate our Divine DNA. Negative or fear-based programming provided by specific TV and News channels, Internet and Radio programs, judgmental religious sermons, and various other types of media all have a very negative, unhealthy effect on our Divine DNA. Chemically processed foods can have the same effect.
Love: Love, on the other hand, gives off a very high frequency. Acts of compassion, calmness, happiness, self-love, balance, Unconditional Love, kindness, politeness, and non-judgment all create a high frequency and better overall physical health. These emotions connect us to our higher selves and our ability to access and activate our Divine DNA. By meditating, praying, and practicing spirituality and acts of kindness, we can keep a constant connection to the God source. By using our intuition and discernment, we learn how to take in that information, which is positive and healthy. This practice can also keep the earth, body, and spirit as clean and pure as possible. When we protect all living things, including humans, animals, insects, and plants, we exist much more frequently.
On June 23, I received notification that the book of photographs that I had sent to Ahote and Tuwa had been mailed to their address at the Second Mesa. Ahote had requested the photographs a few days earlier. As I was putting the photo book together, I noticed an image of what appeared to be a medicine man or Shaman in one of the photographs taken of the fire during the Ring of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse (See Day 31)
I titled the picture “Cha’Tima | Hopi Medicine Man.”
That night I had the following dream: I was flying high in the sky while sitting in a large chair that resembled a huge car seat, or armchair. Facing backward, I could see three large aircraft following behind me below. One of the aircraft was a jumbo jet, or 747. The second aircraft was a round spaceship resembling a classic-shaped UFO, and the third was a small Cessna. There was another aircraft, but I couldn’t recall its shape or size. I was thrilled and excited during this dream. As the dream ended, the other aircraft veered off in a different direction, and I continued flying in the same direction.
I wondered if the dream was trying to inform me that perhaps my journey was about to take a new direction. I waited for additional insight.
Three days later, on June 27, 2012, after being retrograde for approximately six weeks, the planet Venus, which ruled Taurus and Libra, personal values and relationships, commitment, negotiation, peacemaking, contracts, money and material possessions, women, visual art and artistic expression, romance, beauty, fashion, style and taste, finally went direct.
This information was exciting because a very close friend of mine and I had scheduled a past-life reading on this day with Reverend Robert Copeland, a Teacher and Lecturer of Metaphysics. Reverend Copeland was a trance channel for the Ascended Tibetan Master, “Ashlem.”
Since I had already experienced two past life readings during my journeys, I decided that perhaps another visit to the Akashic records was needed to continue my story. As I prepared for this reading, I left everything up to spirit trusting that whatever came through in this reading was meant to be part of my story, even if the information contradicted my previous past life readings. It was not my place to judge or try to manipulate the outcome but to allow things to unfold as they should.
In this particular reading of the Akashic records provided by Robert Copeland, I discovered the following:
- The reason behind my fear of flying.
- I am a member of the Brotherhood of Light
- I was not only present during Christ’s birth, but apparently, I returned to be with him during his crucifixion.
- The meaning behind my connection with the Hopi.
- The meaning behind my last two documented dreams.
The following information was retrieved from the Akashic records on June 27, 2012, at 3:30 PM, Arizona Time. The following video is posted below. (To learn more about Robert Copeland and the meaning behind his readings, search his name and “Ashlem Speaks.”)
I spent the next several days absorbing the information that had been passed on to me from Ashlem and decided I would hold off on all comments until the end of my journey.
On the first day of July, I chose another 72 Names of God meditation card. I shuffled my cards and randomly picked No. 65. Fear of God. When invoked, I knew that this particular angel helped with empathy, leadership, spirituality, compassion, and intelligence.
I invoked this angel between 1:13 and 1:33 PM.
The following day, per Ashlem’s instructions in my past life reading, I visited my friend Martie. I had already told Martie what Ashlem had asked me to do for her during my past life reading, and being completely open and ready to receive, we scheduled a visit for Monday, July 2, 2012.
I arrived at Martie’s house at 2:00 PM. After being greeted with a hug at the front door, we entered the den and spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on various things, including her health and outlook on life here on Earth. Our conversation was candid and straight from the heart. After several hours of great food and conversation, I asked Martie to prepare for our healing session by choosing one of the 72 Names of God meditation cards. She randomly picked No. 38 “Circuitry.”
Between 5:03 and 5:33 PM, I had Martie invoke the Circuitry angel by repeating the mantra “Chet Ayin Mem.” Simultaneously, I healed Martie using various crystals.
After the twenty-minute invocation, the healing was complete. I placed my right hand over Martie’s heart on her chest and my left hand over Martie’s heart on her back and repeated the phrase given to me by Ashlem: “Let the peace rise to thee and know that you are precious, for the angels shall gather with thee. Let it be so.” I did this three times. We then closed the session with a prayer of gratitude.
I spent the next several days reflecting on the last twenty-eight years of my life. I still had to pinch myself sometimes to make sure that I was still breathing and living to tell my tale. I was extremely grateful to the Light for helping me endure. With another thirty-six days remaining in my 72 Days of Angel’s journey, I wondered what other personal revelations would come.
As I contemplated Day 37 of my journey, my thoughts turned to the California coastline. I decided that I would resume my journey thirteen days later, on July 23, 2012, the day after my 51st birthday.
On July 17, my Hopi friends messaged me to tell me how much they loved the photo book and how they wanted me to return in the fall to take pictures of the harvest. Their gratitude made me happy. Their inspirational message gave me the confidence to continue my journey, so I decided that instead of waiting until July 23, 2012, I would leave the following morning, July 18.
72 Days of Angels and the Brotherhood of Light Copyright Notice
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