September 23, 2011 | Dream: Early Morning – I dreamed of sitting at a conference table with several people in attendance. Everyone appeared as blurred images except for one person sitting next to me. He looked very similar to a Sumerian. As quickly as the image appeared in my dream, it faded blurry.
September 24, 2011 | Dream: Early Morning – I dreamed of standing on the side of a street with Ricardo, and an aircraft came falling out of a cloud overhead. The red, tubular object drifted softly towards me and hovered directly before me as if to stare very gently. Then, seconds later, the flying object turned around and headed in a different direction. Afterward, I stood behind someone’s vehicle, asking if my luggage was in the trunk. I felt that I was getting ready to take a journey.
October 20, 2011 | Dream: In the middle of the night, I had a dream where several people or strange beings gathered around me. They all possessed highly negative energy. They seemed to walk around in groups, with their hands in their pockets and their faces hanging down. I felt threatened and a bit scared. Suddenly, a dark-haired guy appeared and stood by me until everyone left. I knew this guy was some guardian or protector. After all the negative beings left, he said he had to go away but would be back if needed. I then felt comfortable enough to rest in my dream.
On Wednesday, November 16, I woke up to discover that the two healing sessions I had scheduled that morning had been canceled. That was only followed by more confusion and frustration as the morning progressed. I quickly became agitated and decided to get out of the house. That’s when I decided to finally follow through on something my intuition had asked me to do for several weeks. The auxiliary preserved the history of the ancient Hohokam people that once inhabited central and southern Arizona. This museum was located just 2.2 miles from my current residence and on the 33rd Parallel.
Once I arrived at the museum, I paid my $6.00 entry fee. The cashier then instructed me to begin my tour by watching a 10-minute film on the Hohokam in the small theater directly adjacent to the lobby. I sat down to watch the movie but was continuously interrupted by the loud sounds of hammers and saws from the roof directly overhead. All I could think about was that I couldn’t escape the frustration that had greeted me earlier in the day. I finally made it through the film and immediately went outside for fresh air. I was ready to explore the sacred grounds of the Hohokam.
As I approached the first bench, I sat down to do a brief meditation and asked that the ancestors of this land accept me with open arms. I prayed that only the wise, enlightened souls would join me on my visit and asked that all warrior-type spirits give me space. I was more interested in connecting with the land on a profound, spiritual level than a historical level.
No sooner than I began my hike around the museum, a hummingbird appeared. This hummingbird seemed to follow me from exhibit to exhibit and did everything possible to make me aware of its presence. I finally acknowledged the hummingbird and then recalled a dream I had the night before, including a hummingbird. I couldn’t remember the exact details; I could only recall that a hummingbird was in my dream. I then paused to ask myself if perhaps the spirit of the hummingbird had reached out to me the night before, in my dream, and then did everything possible in the morning to make sure that I finally took the time to visit the Museum of the Hohokam.
Whatever the case, I thanked the hummingbird and all of the ancestors as I completed my tour. Although I didn’t receive any additional messages during my visit, I couldn’t help but wonder if I had been called to this place on earth to acquire some ancient wisdom or knowledge.
That evening, during my three-mile walk, it finally occurred to me that perhaps I had been called to this place to receive healing or a new healing ability. I reached this conclusion when I remembered that in Native American traditions, Hummingbirds brought the following medicine: healing, enduring long journeys, joy, happiness, and love.
Shortly afterward, Ricardo and I had a significant disagreement, and I drove to North Carolina for the holidays. I had no idea whether or not I would return to Arizona.
After spending a few weeks at my sister’s house in North Carolina, I noticed several hawks. One particular hawk made a point to greet us almost every single morning. It sat in a tree in the front yard just outside my bedroom window. The hawk appeared so frequently that I felt my time in North Carolina was temporary. Historically, hawks had always symbolized movement and adventure, and my intuition told me that this hawk was no different.
My primary challenge during this period, as far as any future adventures were concerned, was figuring out where I would get the money and means of transportation. My last adventures did a number on my bank account and forced me to sell my truck. My finances continued to be hit and miss, and I always prayed for a resolution, knowing that if a journey were meant to happen, everything would fall into place and my prayers answered.
To help things get started, I did the following 72 Names of God Angel mediation several times, invoking the Angel of Prosperity.
After spending a few months with family and friends in North Carolina, I slowly turned my attention back to my spiritual work and desired to return to the desert southwest.
Under the full moon of February 7, 2012, I performed a private ceremony to help get things moving. Five days later, on February 12, at 11:30 at night, I was visited by an owl as I drove onto my sister’s property. It was sitting on the ground beside her driveway. It just stared at me as I went by. For me, the owl sighting was very encouraging. I knew at that point that the full moon ceremony was successful in initiating some movement.
This occurred around the same time my siblings and I made several trips to a small town near the North Carolina coast to visit an uncle living out the final days of his life.
Under the new moon of February 21, I performed a two-hour healing ceremony for a very dear friend of mine. During this ceremony, in addition to doing personal healing for my friend and meditation to help my uncle pass comfortably in his own time, I asked God—or the Universe—for a vehicle. I knew that if I could manifest a vehicle, I would be able to return to the West Coast and be one step closer to making my adventure a reality.
The next day, I found a van online and brought it to my sister’s attention. She knew the dealer.
And on Leap Day, February 29, 2012, I was the proud owner of a 2005 Astro van. (I loved that the van was an “Astro” van. That was very appropriate for my type of adventure.)
On March 4, my other uncle passed away and marched forth into heaven. Family members and I attended his funeral on March 7. Once the funeral was over, I admitted to my aunt that I had always seen her as an angel while growing up. She and my uncle had always been very special to me, my siblings, and my sibling’s children.
The next day, March 8, was the full moon.
With my uncle’s funeral behind us and my new van ready to hit the road, I prepared for my departure.
My primary purpose in this next adventure was to explore the 33rd Parallel while visiting the “Temple Mounds” of the Mississippian cultures in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and other ancient sites in Texas, New Mexico, California, and Arizona.
I would invoke the 72 Names of God Angels again, performing a 20-minute meditation for each.
The 72 Names of God or the 216-Letter Name of God is indeed a 72-part Name since it is a sequence of 72 triads of letters, all of which are derived from permutations on Exodus 14:19-21 (which itself is composed of three verses of 72 letters each).
They will perform various forms of gematria and other analyses of these names to elicit spiritual insight and transformation (this is the sort of thing that Yehuda Berg does in his book The 72 Names of God, Technology for the Soul).
Practical Kabbalists create amulets using the 216-letter Name. The Name is divided into two groups of thirty-six, which the scribe writes on two amulets. One amulet is worn on one arm and the other on the other.
The image below is one of the angel meditations from Kabbalah’s 72 Names of God meditation cards, “No 23. Sharing the Flame”.
In his book The 72 Names of God: Technology for the Soul, the modern kabbalist Yehuda Berg says these names are “like the words of the Bible… They are the property of no ethnic group or religious identity. Everyone can and should use them to confront the accelerating chaos and negativity that confronts our world.”
In The 72 Names of God, Berg says, “God never answers prayers. People answer their prayers by knowing how to connect and utilize the divine energy of the Creator and the God-like force in their souls.”
INVOCATION INSTRUCTIONS: To perform the meditation or invoke this guardian angel, merely scan the Hebrew letters from right to left and then read the meditation. Be quiet for a few minutes and enter a receptive, meditative attitude. Take three slow, deep breaths from the belly. Meditate upon the letter’s associations with the angel name and the emotional tone it evokes within you (say the name repeatedly like a mantra). Be receptive to any glimmers of intuition that may arise. Please perform this meditation with conviction and respect.
TAKING THIS JOURNEY: Before you embark on the following journey with me, I recommend purchasing a copy of the 72 Names of God: Technology for the Soul book through either or The book offers much more information about each of the meditations I performed during my journey, and that additional information is critical to the overall significance of my story.
WITH BOOK IN HAND, PERFORM THE FOLLOWING SIMPLE EXERCISE BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Write on a piece of notebook paper the one person that you seem to be having the most difficult challenges with at the moment, and write down anywhere from eight to eleven things that you do not like about this person. Once you’ve completed your list, place the piece of paper in the back of the 72 Names of God: Technology for the Soul book, and then click on the “Next” button below.