April 4, 2015—4:55 AM
I left Phoenix on April 3, 2015, precisely at 10:30 AM. Forty minutes into my drive, I realized I had forgotten to bring my lucky red hat. I turned around, drove home, retrieved the hat from my apartment, and set out for Hopi again. Due to lunch hour traffic, it was 12:30 PM before I cleared Phoenix once and for all.
An hour and a half later, I arrived at Montezuma’s Well to do a cleansing ceremony and prayer, asking for clear guidance and permission from the Hopi ancestors to perform my ceremony.
After I said my prayer, I crumbled the Piki bread and offered it to the water. I then watched as it drifted gently down the stream.
I closed out my prayer and returned to my vehicle. I continued towards Winslow and then to the Second Mesa at Hopi. As soon as I pulled up to Second Mesa, an inner voice informed me that the reason I had been brought to Hopi to perform this particular ceremony was connected to a past life experience. I wondered if maybe I was a Hopi in a past life.
When I arrived at the Cultural Center, I noticed several purple irises blooming in the flower garden by the front door. At that point, I could feel my mother’s presence from the other side; this was my mother’s favorite flower.
I then stepped into the Cultural Center to inquire about a private location where I could perform my ceremony. I told the clerk behind the front desk that I needed to find a spot on the southern edge of one of the mesas. At that point, the young man told me exactly where and how to get there. I returned to my vehicle, drove a few hundred yards west, and then took a left turn down a bumpy dirt road.
After driving about a quarter mile down the dirt road, I knew I was where I was supposed to be. The scenery looked just like it did in my dream on 11/03/2014. At that moment, I realized that the numbers on the date of the dream (11/03/2014) and the current date (04/03/2015) contained my special numbers 1, 2, and 3. As soon as I got out of my vehicle, I found a huge stick and began marking the area for my ceremony. At approximately 5:00 PM, exactly 12 hours before the lunar eclipse was due, I began sketching out the diagram in my dream onto the surface of the mesa.
I started by drawing a circle around a small plant.
From there, I continued several yards with a straight line towards the west before cutting a 90-degree angle and continuing with the line several more yards north. I then came upon another small plant. I drew a second circle around the second plant.
In my mind, both circles represented the two different versions of the Earth. The first circle represented the world we lived in, and the second circle represented the world we were transitioning towards. After completing the second circle, I continued sketching a line back towards the east, squaring off the entire figure by cutting a second 90-degree corner and making my way back to the first circle.
I then laid down the items I brought from The Transfiguration of Christ Mountain. I placed the small white crystal in the direction of the north, the carved stone in the direction of the east, the cigar/tobacco in the direction of the south, and the plastic water bottle in the direction of the west.
While facing the Sun and after repeating the I am Light mantra, I then recited the following invocation;
The Great Invocation: From the point of Light within the mind of God, let Light stream forth into the minds of all humankind. ( Especially those that believe they hold all the #power on the earth. ) Let Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart of God, let Love stream forth into the hearts of humankind. ( Especially those who have never known true love before. ) May humankind return Christ’s Consciousness to the earth? From the center where the Will of God is known, let purpose guide the little wills of humankind… The purpose which the #Masters know and serve. From the center, which we call the race of humankind, let the plan of Love and Light work out. And may it seal the door where #evil lives.
Heavenly Creator, we ask you for your love and advice. We ask that you bless us with an open heart, a clear mind, and a pure spirit so that we may serve you and live in harmony with every creature on Earth and all living beings throughout the Universe. Please allow us to open our hearts, minds, souls, and spirits to your infinite, unconditional love and compassion. With gratitude. Amen.
TWIN HEARTS LUNAR PRAYER Portions of this prayer were inspired by Master Choa Kok Sui and his Twin Hearts Meditations for Pranic Healing
- Tap the top of your head to bring attention to your crown chakra
- Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
- Relax. While slowly counting to 7, inhale peace, love, and light through your mouth and into your body and spirit.
- Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
- While slowly counting to 7, exhale all anger, resentment, and negativity through your nose.
- Once again, hold your breath for 7 seconds.
(Repeat this exercise two more times. Relax and breathe normally at the end of the third breathing exercise.)
Then, raise your hands to chest level with your palms facing outwards. Imagine all the people you love in front of you as you channel God’s loving energy through your crown chakra, directing this loving energy through the palms of your hands. Shower everyone you know and love with this beautiful, loving energy. Hold that thought, then imagine the Sun, the Earth, the Moon, and all of the stars in the Universe in front of you as you project waves of this beautiful, loving energy throughout the Universe. Imagine these beautiful waves of energy touching every living thing in Heaven and on Earth. Hold this thought for several moments. Then, bring your attention back to Planet Earth.
Repeat the following prayer silently in your mind;
“Dear Heavenly Creator, I pray that all stones, plants, animals, and beings born on Planet Earth prepare for a significant re-balancing and purification. I also pray for all the creatures of the seas, land, and air and ask that they all return to perfect health.
I pray that you, the Creator, recognize the fact that Planet Earth and all of its inhabitants have a lot of nurturing and Love to offer, not only to the Earth but also to the other planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. I ask that all of the Unconditional Love on Earth be sent out into our Solar System and Universe.
I send out a prayer asking all of our ancestors from the heavens and the stars to return to Mother Earth to help with the re-balancing. I let them know that the time is now. I ask that the purification take place in a non-judgmental manner and that the energy of Unconditional Love is present at all times.”
Repeat the Buddhist Prayers for the Earth as you focus on the following areas of the Earth to help cleanse and prepare the Earth for healing:
- While projecting the color indigo and concentrate on the third-eye chakra, the space between your eyes, place your consciousness at the Hopi Indian Reservation and say: “May all beings everywhere plagued with sufferings of body and mind quickly be free from illness.“
- Then, project violet through your crown chakra while focusing on Tibet. Then say: “May those frightened cease to be afraid, and may those bound be free.”
- Now, focus on the Great Pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Mound of Olives. Project the color blue through your throat chakra and say, “May the powerless find power, and may people befriend one another with love.”
- Then, move your attention to Mount Shasta, California, project red through your root chakra or the area at the base of your spine, and say: “May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wildernesses—the children, the aged, the unprotected—be guarded by beneficent celestials..”
- Then, travel in your mind to Ayers Rock and the Olgas in Australia. Project yellow through your solar plexus chakra, the area between your ribs, and say, “We reverently pray for eternal harmony in the universe.“
- Then, return your consciousness across the Pacific Ocean to Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. Project orange through your navel chakra and say: “May the weather be seasonable, may the harvest be fruitful, may countries exist in harmony, and may all people enjoy happiness.“
- Then travel in your mind to Glastonbury, Scotland. Project the color green through your heart chakra and say: “Evoking the presence of great compassion, let us fill our hearts with our compassion—towards ourselves and all living beings.“
- Return your attention to the Great Pyramids and the Mound of Olives while projecting blue out of your throat chakra and say: “Let us pray that all living beings realize that they are all brothers and sisters, all nourished from the same source of life.”
- Return your attention to Tibet, project the color violet through your crown chakra, and say: “May all beings everywhere be happy, peaceful, and free. “
- Then, return your consciousness to Hopi, project indigo through your third-eye chakra, and say: “We gently caress you, the Earth, our planet, and our home.“
- Then, finally, focus on the entire Earth and say, “Our vision has brought us closer to you, making us aware of the harm we have done to the life network upon which we depend. We are reminded that we have poisoned your waters, lands, and air. We have filled you with the bones of our dead from war and greed. Your pain is our pain. Touching you gently, we pray that we may become peace-bringers and life-bringers so that our home in its journey around the Sun will not become sterile and lonely. May this prayer and its power last forever.”
Then, sit quietly for 7 minutes. Breathe slowly and silently, repeating “Om” or “Amen” while projecting waves of unconditional love throughout the earth, the solar system, and the universe. Relax and just let go. After 7 minutes, return your consciousness to your body and its location on the earth. Take several deep breaths, then close with the following prayer:
“Dear Heavenly Creator, we humbly thank you for your love and affection. We thank you for blessing us with a loving heart, intelligent mind, and willful spirit so that we may now go forward and serve you and live in harmony with every living creature on the earth and throughout the universe. Thank you for opening our hearts, minds, souls, and spirits to your unconditional love and compassion. With sincere gratitude and appreciation, Amen.” – Prayers and Meditations inspired by Master Choa Kok Sui.
At that point, I picked up both rattles and began rattling around the diagram I had sketched into the ground. As I made my first full trip around the diagram, all of the details of my dream came back to me. The only thing missing was the white figure of a person or being standing behind me over my left shoulder. At this point, I was forced to ask if this being perhaps represented me in a previous lifetime.
As I completed my first trip around the diagram, I picked up the small white crystal, continued rattling, and carried it to the second circle. As I began to lay the crystal down on the ground, my inner voice spoke up once again and instructed me to place the crystal in the opposite direction, this time in the direction of the south.
I then continued around the diagram and returned to the first circle, where I retrieved the stone that had www.thetransfigurationofchrist.com carved into the surface. While continuing with the rattles, I carried the carved stone to the second circle and placed it in the opposite direction from its original position, this time in the west.
I returned to the first circle, retrieved the cigar/tobacco, carried it to the second circle, and placed it in the opposite direction of the north.
And finally, I returned to the first circle one last time to retrieve the plastic water bottle. While maintaining a steady rhythm with the rattles, I carried the plastic water bottle to the second circle and placed it in the opposite direction of its original position, this time in the east.
I then returned to the first circle and said…
Heavenly Creator, we ask you for your love and advice. We ask that you bless us with an open heart, a clear mind, and a pure spirit so that we may serve you and live in harmony with every creature on Earth and all living beings throughout the Universe. Please allow us to open our hearts, minds, souls, and spirits to your infinite, unconditional love and compassion. With gratitude. Amen.
And with that, the ceremony I had planned for nearly five full months was nearly complete.
While waiting for the Sun to set, I walked around the mesa’s edge and took several photographs.
I then completed the first part of my ceremony with my signature shadow photograph.