In religion, God’s messengers are known as angels of Light or angels of divine consciousness. In science, these radiant forms of Light are known as photons or elementary particles that shine down on earth. These angles of energy or angels of divine consciousness change every 20 minutes throughout each and every day, and each one offers a different type of energy, wisdom, assistance or healing.
The following angels or angles of divine consciousness were extracted from the Bible; Exodus, Chapter 14 – Verses 19, 20 and 21.
Starting at midnight, each angel or separate angle of divine Light lasts 20-minutes. There are 72 different angles of energy in a 24-hour period. (To learn more read the book, The 72 Names of God by Yehuda Berg.) These angels are embedded in every human being on earth and are just waiting to be activated, or reawakened so they can assist with various issues that we all face throughout our lifetime.
There are four easy steps to working with these HEALING ANGELS:
Step One: SELECT THE ISSUE that needs to be resolved, and then locate the issue in the following chart. Choose a HEALING ANGEL that corresponds with that particular issue and ask that angel to assist you. Click on the link associated with that invocation. This will take you to a YouTube video to help with the meditation. (Note: You do not have to perform the meditation during the 20-minutes assigned to each angel, but if you can do so you just may experience an extra boost of energy.)
Step Two: STATE YOUR INTENTION: Prepare a quiet place where you WILL NOT be disturbed. Sit in a comfortable, straight-backed chair, or on the floor, quite yourself and set your intention by stating that intention out loud.
Step Three: PERFORM THE INVOCATION: Click on the video associated with the HEALING ANGEL and then wait for the meditation to begin. Repeat the mantra in the video out loud as you rest your eyes on the letters in the image. You don’t have to understand these letters, just scan them from right to left repeatedly for the duration of the video. Be sure that you…
- Clear your mind as you repeat the mantra. Focus on your breath.
- Visualize your intention as if it’s been created.
- Create an emotional connection or feeling and enfuse that to your intention.
- Follow-through on any insight that you receive during the invocation. Take action!
- You must be online in order to access the YouTube video. Adjust the volume to a level where you can hear the mantra, but it doesn’t overpower your own voice.
- There is a section mid-way the video where the image will disappear and the screen will go black. During this time try to envision the three letters in your head while you wait for the image to reappear.
Once you’ve completed the meditation realize that the angel that has always been inside of you has now be awakened. Gently open your eyes and…
Step Four: GIVE THANKS: Do not look upon the image again, but as an added measure you may wish to continue to call out the angels name while you go about the rest of your day. Then at the end of the day just let go. Move on to a different angel the following day.
What You Can Expect: Once these angels have been invoked you may begin to experience subtle changes in your mental, physical and emotional bodies. This cleansing or healing will take place over a period of several days. Some people experience really intense dreams during this time, which is a sign that certain emotions, thoughts, memories, and blockages are in fact being released and healed.
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