While getting to know Ahote and Tuwa between 2012 and 2019, I observed that each year, they would hibernate between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. They said it was their quiet time to honor their Creator. Intuitively, I knew it had something to do with the shortening of days, December 21, the Winter Solstice (Soyal New Year), and their Mayan ancestors.
Ahote often spoke about the fact that his Hopi ancestors chose the location of their villages for a particular reason. The altitude served a particular purpose, and it was in direct relationship with the great floods or world catastrophes of the past, the passing from one world to the next.
I discovered several online conversations about what Ahote described as the Electromagnetic Plasma Changeover Event (Blue Sky, Red Sky, Blue Kachina, Red Kachina). This YouTube video by Suspicious Observers, “COSMIC DISASTER | CIA: Classified,” explained it best.
Ahote also believed that the catastrophe was closely tied to the collective consciousness of humankind. In other words, the brink of disaster teetered on humankind’s consciousness. “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. The trumpet shall sound, the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” The more human consciousness becomes unbalanced, the ice caps will start to melt, which will cause climate change all around the globe. It was all tied together very delicately.
Throughout most of my journey, I was intensely fascinated with the 33rd and 36th parallels, and the Hopi Tribe just happened to be located between those two parallels. After years of running here and there, my journey finally led me to a precise global point, now known as The Transfiguration of Christ Mountain. This was not a mistake.
Ahote and Tuwa were kindred spirits of mine for sure.
I began my 30-day countdown to the ninth anniversary of the beginning of 72 Days of God on January 17, 2019. During these thirty days, I intended to honor the last nine years of my life and perform exercises that would allow me to release everything I had experienced since its conception so I could move into a completely new stage, something utterly unrelated to anything I had done. That was my intention, at least.
I had a fantastic dream several days later, on January 23, of being inside a jet airplane. The door on the aircraft was slightly opened. I cautiously approached the door and looked down at the space between the plane and the door to view the earth below. I noticed a thin layer of clouds several hundred feet beneath the airplane. The airplane began its gradual descent. After reaching a certain altitude, the aircraft leveled off and flew several hundred yards above the earth. During this portion of the flight, I noticed several creatures running on the ground below, including dinosaurs and giant frogs. The dream went on for what felt like several hours. I felt like I had had another out-of-body experience when I woke up.
Later that day, I recalled my dream from 2010, in which a group of Hebrew men danced and held stones to their noses. It was the ninth anniversary of that dream.
On the morning of February 14, 2019, I woke up from a dream in which I was hand-in-hand with other people performing the Horah. (The Horah is a circle dance traditionally performed at Jewish weddings and other joyous occasions in the Jewish community.) It felt like I had come full circle or my ancestors were celebrating.
For some strange reason, I began thinking about the various comets accompanying me during my journey. Something told me to check the archives to see if there was a comet around the time that I was born. Interestingly enough, I discovered a comet that became visible to the unaided eye the day after I was born.
COMET C/1961 O1 (WILSON-HUBBARD; O.S. 1961 V). Visible to the unaided eye only between July 23 and the first days of Aug.; T = 1961 July 17. Very brief period of visibility. Detected in the morning twilight of July 23 near tau Geminorum as an object of second to third magnitude with a 15-degree tail. Comet located only 16 degress from the sun, moving to the northwest. On July 25, the tail was up to 25 degrees long photographically. For a few days, the comet was an impressive object with its long tail pointing straight up from the northeastern horizon. However, by July 29, the head had already fallen to fourth magnitude. On August 1, nearing the naked-eye limit, even though a tail up to 15 degrees long could still be detected. Comet faded very quickly, becoming a binocular object situated in Auriga during early August — and could no longer be detected visually, even with moderate-sized telescopes, by mid-month. – Source THE BRIGHT-COMET CHRONICLES, by John E. Bortle (W. R. Brooks Observatory) , [Copyright 1998, John E. Bortle]
I wasn’t sure how any of this was related. On February 17, 2019, on the ninth anniversary of 72 Days of God, I created an Instagram page titled Structure From Chaos—Parables For A New Age. (Click on the following image.)
(You can view the posts chronologically by starting at the bottom of the page and scrolling up.)
Approximately one year after receiving my DNA results, Madonna released the video for Medellin on April 24, 2019. This piece of art was riddled with Easter eggs and hidden messages.