I returned from my “Journey Into The Desert” on April 22, 2008. On May 7, after taking a couple of weeks to settle back into my routine in Denver, I took a few moments to reflect on all of the events that unfolded during my adventure. As I looked back, I recognized that this particular journey felt more like a spiritual calling, than a vacation. Almost everything I experienced had a spiritual overtone. This journey was definitely an extension, continuation or reflection of my soul retrieval. Even though I set out on this trip alone and without an itinerary, I couldn’t help but feel that my trip was mysteriously prearranged by my spirit guides. So many incredible events took place and everything went very smoothly.
I woke up on May 11, and called all of the mothers that I knew, to wish them a happy Mother’s Day. Once my day began, I found myself being lead to participate in something that I didn’t even know existed. That afternoon I met John Saxon, someone who specialized in what is called a, Piano Soul Reading.
Since my mother inspired me to take 4 years of piano lessons, starting at the age of 8, I figured this would be an interesting way to honor my mother for Mother’s Day. When I sat down with John, he asked me which type of piano reading I was interested in. Since I was on this new journey, or quest, I thought it would be most appropriate to do a Higher Self Reading. I figured it would be a good time to discover, develop and awaken any spiritual qualities that were dormant. John then asked me which chakras I wanted to focus on. I told him my sixth chakra (Intuition), my fifth chakra (Spoken Word) and my crown chakra (Connection with the divine). Intuitively, he was told to add the fourth chakra (Heart), which was fine with me. And with that, the following reading took place. (Erratic or missed key strokes are expected with this type of reading. It’s part of the reading.)
Higher Self Reading : May 11, 2008
6th Chakra (Intuition) Clearing subconscious to channel intuition and devotion. (7:14) (above)
5th Chakra (Spoken Word) Expressing truth through power of the spoken word. (5:46) (above)
7th Chakra (Crown) Personal identification with the infinite. Oneness with God. (4:05) (above)
4th Chakra (Heart) Release suppressed soul, heart and love trauma. (2:47) (above)
My First Reading with Perga | After I finished my piano soul reading, I signed up to do a reading with Perga. Perga caught my attention because her sign-up sheet had a two-hour waiting list. I figured she must be pretty good for people to wait two hours, so I wrote down my name on her list. Well, it was completely worth the wait. Perga started out by telling me that I had psychic abilities and that I should be doing what she does. (This wasn’t the first time I had been told this.) She also shed some light on why I felt compelled to write this story, and my relationship with Madonna’s music, which I thought was very interesting. Then she said something even more fascinating. She said, “They’re telling me to tell you to keep dancing!” When she asked if I was a dancer, I told her that dance had been a huge part of my life and my story. She smiled and said, “Well, they’re telling me to tell you to keep dancing.” I laughed. Perga filled me in on all sorts of things during my reading. After my piano soul reading and my reading with Perga, I walked away feeling different about a lot of things.