- Do you believe in angels?
- Have you ever encountered an angel? If so, please share your experience.
- Do you believe in guardian angels? If so, please describe what they look like. If not, why?
- Do you believe that praying to heavenly beings is a form of communicating with extraterrestrials outside of this world or beings within the mind?
- Do you think that it’s possible that angels are perhaps both negative and positive thoughts or beliefs, and not actual physical beings from “out there”?
- Have you ever heard of the concept of angels being different angles of refracted Divine Light emanating from within?
- Do you believe angels walk the earth?
This survey comes from Chapter 2 – ACT IV – 72 Days of Angels. The purpose of this survey to see how closely your answers match your actual mission in life. Answer the questions above and then order your eBook About Your Life. You just may discover something new about yourself and your beliefs.