On August 30, 2017, I celebrated the 7-year, 7-month, 7-day (7+7+7= 21 2+1=3) anniversary of a dream I had back on the morning of January 23, 2010 (01-23-2010), just twenty-five days before embarking on the 72 Days of God adventure.
In the dream, a group of healthy, elderly men stood around me dressed in black coats and hats. The men were jumping up and down while singing very joyously and holding flat stones against their noses. I thought these men were Hebrew or somehow related to the Hebrew faith. The dream was so vivid to this day.
On September 20, 2017, the Hebrew Year 5777 ended.
On September 21/22, 2017, the year 5778 began.
The next day, September 23/24, 2017, I celebrated the 7-year, 7-month, 7-day anniversary of embarking on the 72 Days of God chapter, which coincided with a significant star alignment. The rumors flying around the Internet were that this was the day of the long-awaited return of Christ. (Search: The Great Sign Of Revelation 12.)
Additionally, and unbeknownst to me at the time, an interstellar object was soaring through our solar system that appeared coming from the constellation Pleiades. It was given the name ʻOumuamua.
At midnight on October 31, 2017 (10-31-2017), when the veil between the spiritual and physical worlds was at its thinnest, and the constellation Pleiades was directly overhead, I performed the following ceremony to honor all of my ancestors who had come before me. I lit one candle for each prayer.
The 1st prayer was for Truth.
To maintain honesty within all things, especially ourselves.
The 2nd prayer was for Purity.
To remain clean, wholesome, and pleasing in the eyes of the Ancients.
The 3rd prayer was for Faith.
The resolute in knowing always are blessed to those who have faith.
The 4th prayer was for Kindness.
Compassion, generosity, and goodness are the guardians of the Soul.
The 5th prayer was for Patience
We must all surrender to the perfect timing of the Universe.
The 6th prayer was for Temperance
Sustain wisdom and discernment through control in moderation.
The 7th prayer was for Determination.
All is lost if the will is weak. Illumination is granted to the persistent.
On November 19, 2017, I contacted a Rabbi at Chabad.org to get more information about the time and date of my birthday, The Ninth of Av.
This is what he told me in an email.
William Christopher Jordan
Born Saturday, July 22, 1961 (The Ninth of Av)
Response: “As I am sure you are well aware, the Ninth of Av is not the most pleasant day in history. The Mishna (Taanit 21b) lists five bad things that happened on that day. The most cataclysmic of those is the destruction of both Temples. So, it would seem not to be the most auspicious time to be born.
However, there is an interesting Midrash that gives a very different outlook. “On the day that the Holy Temple was destroyed, a Jew was plowing his field when his cow suddenly called out. An Arab was passing by and heard the low of the cow. Said the Arab: ‘Jew, Jew! Unyoke your cow, free the stake of your plow, for your Holy Temple has now been destroyed.’ The cow then lowed a second time. Said the Arab: ‘Jew, Jew! Yoke your cow, reset the stake of your plow, for the Redeemer has now been born…'”
Interestingly enough, the Ninth of Av is also the birthday of Moshiach. At the moment when things seem the worst, hope springs up from among the ashes. It signifies the hope of a better future, even at the darkest of times. But, because that year, the Ninth of Av fell out of Shabbos, it had an even stronger significance. Normally, the Ninth of Av is a fast day. It is a sad day of mourning. When it falls out on Shabbos, it gets pushed off until Sunday. Then, the Ninth of Av itself is a day of joy. So, this birth time symbolizes how sadness and evil will be pushed off. And, as the famous Jewish saying goes, “Once it is pushed off a little bit, it should be postponed forever.” So, this time of birth signifies hope for the future, and goodness for the present, all wrapped into one.
So, I was conceived in love and born nine months later, on the Ninth of Av, as the sun rose in the east on the Sabbath. In Tropical Astrology, I was born on the cusp of Cancer (the Moon) and Leo (the Sun). My Lunar Mansion 18, Al-Qalb (The Heart)
8° 34′ 17” Scorpio – 21° 25′ 43” Scorpio is good for building, farming. treatment of the stomach, exposing enemies, not good for family matters, excessive eating, or eating unknown foods. The essence of the Lunar Mansion is impending danger and defense. I was born on Lunar Day 10, an exceptionally auspicious day in all traditions. It is perfect for beginning an important business or acquiring a large-scale business. It is also beneficial for traveling and anything connected to transport and vehicles. It gives those born on this day a love of long journeys.