JUNE 2020
On June 3, 2020, at 10:59 AM, I received an email from a friend in North Carolina. The email read, “My mom – just wanted you to know that she is in the hospital and will likely have to have surgery for another intestinal blockage – can use as many prayers as possible that she will survive the surgery given how frail she has become.” I asked my friend to let me know when the surgery was scheduled so I could send out a prayer for her.
The next day, on June 4, I received a follow-up message informing me when the surgery was scheduled for 10:40 that evening; I began my prayer then. I not only prayed for my friend’s mother, but I prayed for everyone on the planet dealing with the Coronavirus, the protests, and riots that were taking place all over the world because of the horrific murder of George Floyd. I also included any people that I knew were suffering.
I set a clear intention and prayed between 10:40 PM and 11:10 PM. As I finished my prayer, I imagined ripples or waves of positive, healing energy starting at my feet and encircling the entire globe.
On Friday, June 5, 2020, I created the following Facebook page, “Remembering,” to honor my childhood memories.
Meanwhile, protests for the murder of George Floyd continued around the world. I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the change in consciousness I had asked for several years earlier. Was the shift in consciousness finally taking place? Was it permanent or just a phase?
The main purpose of sending this to everyone is to acknowledge John D. Jordan on Father’s Day. I’ve thought a lot about him over the last couple of years. No matter who I am biologically, John D. Jordan will always be my father, and I will always be grateful to him and my mother for giving me an incredible childhood. (Yes, I’m a lucky bastard.)
Spirituality, for me, is about being accountable for one’s own choices and facing the “truth” of any given situation, regardless of what that truth is. Living a spiritual life requires facing the truth head-on, suffering any pain associated with that truth, and doing the very best to overcome any obstacles associated with that truth. Only in the truth and through suffering can we truly grow.
The first year after learning about my DNA, I did an incredible amount of soul-searching to determine whether or not I should continue to carry the Jordan name. I asked myself several times if it was the right thing to do. And in my search, I made a very important discovery. The name given to a person at birth sets the stage for that individual’s spiritual journey for that person’s entire lifetime. Even if that individual changes their name at some point. It matters not. The birth name defines the life. Period. No way around it. I could change my name legally, but I will always be William Christopher Jordan.
I was extremely relieved to discover this. Mainly because I love the name Jordan. I love being a Jordan, something that I’ve fought very hard for over the years. The last thing I wanted to do was change my name, but I would have done that if my spiritual journey had required that. And even though I sometimes didn’t fit in, I was still a Jordan through and through. Once the name was given to me, no one could take it away from me, not even myself, my parents, or any other family members. And that fact demands approval from no one, alive or dead. And so it will always be.
The truth about my DNA set my life on a different course, and I had to face that shit head-on, as well. I was kicking and screaming, of course. After struggling for quite some time and after losing my mind a few times, a second DNA test revealed my true biological father. This brought instant relief. And then I not only had to honor the Jordan and Anderson part of my journey, but I had to pay respect to my birth father’s name, Ray.
While I respect the fact that everyone has their own “belief” surrounding the events that took place between my mother and my biological father, my gut feeling has me believe that my mother and birth father knew each other as children. My mother was almost two years older than my birth father. She married John D. when she was 16, so my natural father was only 14 when she married. I also believe, with every cell in my body that my mother knew all along, that I was not John D’s biological son. A woman knows where she’s been and with whom she’s been intimate. The fact that I was born exactly nine months to the day after my brother’s birthday tells that tale.
There is this belief that a child’s personality is highly influenced by the father’s mental state and the mother’s emotional state at the time of conception. If so, this would explain why I’ve always had very short, passionate, unfaithful relationships and mainly attracted married men. With that, I will continue my spiritual adventure.
A family member told me a couple of years ago that her father tried to stay out of the family drama to remain focused on his immediate family’s drama. I knew the real truth behind that statement, but at that point, I began to follow suit. That’s when I became interested in continuing relationships with family members who attempt to do the same. Nothing forced. No expectations. Just let things be. So happy Father’s Day to both fathers—with love, your son.
During the early morning of Saturday, June 21, I dreamed I was a passenger on a bus. It was nighttime and the lights on the front of the bus were very weak, we could only see about 10 feet in front of the bus as we were going down the highway. The driver announced that we had to change interstates and the only way to get to the highway was to cross a very tight, restricted parking lot. As the bus pushed through the parking lot, I turned around and noticed my mother sitting behind me. She pointed out the front window as the bus approached what appeared to be a huge bump in the road. However, the bus was hardly phased as we crossed over the bump. I knew this dream was about the letter I had sent to my family.
On Sunday, June 22, I saw the strangest thing: a Pelican sitting in the middle of a large field. It was sitting very still, almost like a statue. I looked up the Native American meaning of Pelican and learned that...Pelican symbolism reminds you that you need to take some time for yourself so that you can go inward. In other words, this spirit animal tells you that something in your life is slightly off-kilter and needs to be balanced. Thus, the Pelican meaning insists that you spend time with loved ones and yourself. Ultimately, taking this breather will bring things back into focus for you.
The next day, I finally figured out the type of bird perched on the top of the nearby pine tree for the last several days. It was a Falcon. In general, Falcon symbolism is asking you to be vigilant. In other words, this spirit animal’s presence means an opportunity for significant positive changes in your life. Moreover, this opportunity will require proper planning strategy and action. The Falcon meaning asks you to trust that you have all the tools and knowledge to take advantage of this opportunity. However, your success depends on your quick reactions. Alternatively, the Falcon symbolism reminds you to stay focused and grateful for all coming your way. Furthermore, believe you can soar high and see things with great vision!
I suddenly decided to publish all of my photographs. After brainstorming various ideas with a friend, I finally decided to go with the domain LeoRisingPhotos.com. I purchased the domain and moved all my photographs to this site the next day. My new website was up and running by June 23.
On Wednesday, June 24, I got my camera and began photographing the property. That’s when I noticed the hummingbird. It was so friendly and came close to me a couple of times. So close that I was able to capture the following photographs.
After processing the photographs, I remembered my story’s Paradise (Not For Me) page. Coupled with the hummingbird nest, I took this as an affirmation that my father’s spirit was grateful for remembering him on Father’s Day and sending the letter to my family.
Everything was in place.