MARCH 2020
I was so grateful that I didn’t have to go through quarantine alone. It was nice to have companionship. I planned to remain in California until the shelter-in-place was lifted and perhaps head toward Portland, Oregon.
I spent the rest of March 2020 settling into Richardo’s new 100-year-old home. My sister and I began having brief phone conversations once she returned home from the hospital. She expressed her thoughts on what took place during the time that my mother conceived me, but since she was taking morphine, I told her that it didn’t matter. The only thing I cared about was figuring out my natural father; nothing else mattered once I figured that out. I told her that at this stage in our lives, we should focus on keeping the peace from here on out. Our differences in opinions would only get in the way of that. Thankfully, she agreed.
The shelter-in-place had a firm grip on all California residents. All the gyms were closed so I couldn’t access any cardio equipment. I couldn’t jog, and walking wasn’t going to cut it. I needed to do cardio to get my heart rate up. But I still knew I had made the right choice to move to California when I saw the X on the frame of the back of the front gate.
The X was very prominent. It was not only part of the Hopi Tuuwaqatsi, or earth symbol, but also understood as a “crossing over” to another dimension: a transcendence, transformation, or transmigration. The X also represented the number 10. It had been ten years since I began the 72 Days of God journey. The X also represented Christ, and Madonna was in her Madame X phase. At the same time, I was experiencing my second Saturn Return, or what I called The Second Turning.
On Match 31, 2020, I created affirmations for daily use.