Around this time of my journey, I discovered the following video about what some called The Fourth Turning. According to the video, 2024 was the cusp of the fourth, fourth turning for the United States.
As I continued my research, I found this article about the 84-year cycle of Uranus titled “Uranus in Gemini, the Harbinger of War.” And this video titled “This is the 84 Year War Cycle | Finalize Your Affairs for War“. And yet another article about the constellation T Corona Borealis, which was due to go Nova at any moment; another 80-year cycle. Strangely enough, these 80 to 84-year cycles were about to collide at approximately the same time, asking the people of the United States once again what kind of country they envisioned for the future, for the world.
It explained the bipolar, racially charged political landscape and the extremes in politicians over the last many years, which caused significant division, misinformation, and a weakened consciousness. The pendulum appeared to be swinging back and forth between opposite extremes. At times, it almost felt deliberate, planned, and permitted. Politicians were idolized, not held accountable, and got away with everything. It was unfathomable. Social Media was experiencing its version of a Civil War as emotions and reactive behavior overcame users regularly.
According to these cycles, the upcoming years, 2025 through 2033, looked the most intense and unpredictable, July 2027 being the pinnacle. Rumors of a physical Civil War or something similar to another Revolutionary War were rampant, and the media did a great job of foreshadowing with the following movie, which was No. 1 on MAX for weeks and weeks.
And people were falling for it hook, line, and sinker. Was history about to repeat itself, or would humankind finally wake up, end the cycle, and embark on a new direction? Things did not look promising as of August 2024. I was curious to see who would be chosen to usher in this 4th Fourth Turning for the United States and what that might entail.
As I approached my first anniversary of living in Wilmington, New York’s second Long Island, I was particularly interested in Greenfield Lake. This lake was within walking distance of my house. I felt like my journey had brought me to the right place, a community built 80+ years earlier in the 1940s. I lived on what I called Horse Head Peninsula. The horse appeared to be white.
Since my Y-DNA results revealed Nordic ancestors I took a closer look at their mythology.
In Norse mythology, Árvakr and Alsviðr are the horses that pull the sun, or Sól’s chariot, across the sky each day; I felt like my fate had brought me to where I needed to be for the year of The Sun. However, a fascinating thing happened when I changed the view of Greenfield Lake on Google Maps: The lake then appeared as a dragon.
Suddenly, I recalled the image from Day 56 of 72 Days of God.
And the vision of the Thunderbird (or Norse Dragon?) that appeared on the morning of Day 26 of the 72 Days of Angels. In Norse mythology, the dragon represents greatness in many forms: great strength, great danger, great destruction, and great wealth.
It was also the Year of the Dragon in Chinese Astrology, and House of the Dragon was heavily promoted on HBO MAX.
All of this set the stage for my year of The Sun.
On August 31, 2024, I purchased the BIG Y-700 upgrade at FamilyTreeDNA and was told that the results would be posted sometime in November/December. In the meantime, I decided to move organically through the next few months with no agenda.
Would The Sun shine on me, scorch me, or pass over me altogether? The next eleven months would tell the tale.