June 17, 2010
72 Names of God: Meditation Deck Book Supplement – March 30, 2004 by Yehuda Berg
(Author) Publisher: Kabbalah Publishing (March 30, 2004)
On the first morning of my journey, before checking out of the Crowne Plaza, Ontario, with my family, I received the following email from my friend, Casey, back in Portland, Oregon.
“Still cold! We have broken all records for cold this month, hope you are doing better. It is beyond our local bad jokes, as the views from the Rose Gardens showed the poor things rotting on their stems from all of this cold and wet. The fruit and berry folks aren’t happy either, as the crops are not doing well. Unemployment still over 10% but at least the other 90 are working. Any updates on your journal, I didn’t check. More later. Love, Casey”
Although I had decided to return to Portland for the summer to search for work, Casey’s email asked me not to get my hopes up. I kept an open mind.
After checking out of our hotel and going through customs, my family and I set out for Erie, Pennsylvania, where we stopped for a bite. After a hearty lunch, we said our goodbyes and “I Love You” and headed to our separate destinations; I headed west on Interstate 90 towards Cleveland, Ohio, and my family headed south on Interstate 79, back towards North Carolina. Fifteen minutes into my drive, I reunited with the hawk. It was patiently circling over a tree on the side of the interstate.
Six hours later, I arrived at a KOA campground in Granger, Indiana. As soon as I pulled into my campsite, I saw a rabbit nibbling on some grass.
The rabbit offers the following wisdom:
- paradox,
- fearlessness,
- quick wit,
- intuition, and
- humility.
That evening, I discovered a letter from a friend in Portland, Oregon, who was more advanced in Kabbalah. She had written,
“Death of Death—you have died to your old ways and are reborn into the new vibration. Seek the higher spiritual vibration of friends, and you will fit right in with your new awareness.”
Although I wanted to experience some life transition and to be around like-minded people, another part of me just wanted to stay alive. I continued to dwell on the “death” dream that I had six months earlier.
After speaking to my sister around midnight and making sure that they had safely returned to North Carolina, I went to sleep.