I had to start this journey by admitting that every time I embarked on one of these adventures in the past, I always felt a little foolish and uncertain in the beginning about what I was doing and why I was doing it. This adventure was no different.
I had no idea what compelled me to embark on a journey titled The Transfiguration of Christ. All I knew was that I challenged myself to follow through once I received the challenge. I always consciously tried to check in with myself to ensure that what I was doing was for good. Otherwise, I wouldn’t accept the challenge.
While listening carefully to my discernment and inner guidance, I heard I should initiate this journey right before sunset on Wednesday, September 4, 2013, before the Jewish holiday, Rosh Hashanah. Why? I wasn’t exactly sure. I was not Jewish.
On September 4, 2013, at approximately 5:30 PM, I left my apartment and set out for Dreamy Draw Park. Once I arrived, I parked my van in the parking lot and began my hike to the top of the mountain, where I was led to perform my first initiation.
As I approached the bottom of the steep incline leading up to the top of the mound, I took a moment to pause and ask the ancestors of the land for permission to enter. Once I felt welcome, I began my ascent to the top of the mountain.
Midway, I couldn’t help but notice the sun, or the Light, peering over the mountain’s crest as if to greet me with a warm welcome.
As soon as I reached the top, I noticed that someone had left behind the words “Love U Mom” in the middle of the trail. The letters were laid out with small quartz crystals.
Suddenly, out of the blue, I could feel my mother’s spirit, and the words “Love U Mom” written with the crystals felt more like a direct message from my mother’s spirit, saying: “Love you! – Mom.” It was very comforting.
After I pondered the message’s appearance, I looked around and noticed a few yards to my north, the large quartz crystals embedded deeply into the top of the mountain. These were the large crystals that I had discovered several weeks earlier.
I walked over to the large crystals, searched my pockets, and pulled out a dime and a nickel. I placed both coins on top of the crystal to leave as an offering and then said a quick prayer of gratitude.
Afterward, I planted my feet firmly on the crystals, grounding myself to the top of the mountain and Mother Earth.
Facing west, I could see that the sun was beginning to set. At this point, I prepared for my first invocation.
At approximately 3 minutes and 33 seconds before sunset, taking the time to face all four directions, I initiated my journey:
A new day had begun!
Once my invocation was complete, I descended the mountain, returned to my vehicle, and waited for further guidance over several days.
Rewind: On July 23, 2013, the day after my 52nd birthday, and the day after finishing, “72 Days of Angels and The Brotherhood of Light“, I began attending an eight-week course titled, “The Power of Kabbalah 1.” Since I had just come off a 3.5-year journey using Kabbalah’s 72 Names of God angel meditations, which I did without first studying Kabbalah, I thought the timing was right for me to take a closer look. Since the class was offered to Phoenix residents for free, I figured I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I completed the eight-week course on September 10, 2013. After completing my class and contemplating whether I would continue with the second class, The Power of Kabbalah 2, I began investigating online. One of the things that I learned during the first class was that my birthday, July 22, 1961, fell on the 9th of Av.
After reading an online article, this sounded a little bleak to me, but I wasn’t sure what it all meant. While reading the article, I couldn’t help but think back to February 2010, when I began my 72 Days of God journey. I had suffered from a mild case of plantar fasciitis, which later turned into problems with my sciatica. As of September 2013, it had still not gone away. I found this very interesting since it was mentioned in the article. After reading the article about the 9th of Av, I looked up my Correction, or Tikkun, which I discovered was in Leo. I found all of the information to be very interesting and enlightening.
On September 13, the eve of Yom Kippur, I returned to the mountain for my second invocation. This time, I approached the mountain from the west. As I began my ascent, I could see the moon positioned directly above the top of the mountain.
A few steps further, I passed by the cave, located directly under the peak with the embedded quartz crystal. Once I reached the top, I took a few moments to take in my surroundings. I noticed that the moon was located directly to my south.
I then noticed that since my first visit back on September 4, the “Love U Mom” message that had been written with crystals was starting to fade.
The two coins I had left behind as an offering during my first invocation on September 4 had been moved, and someone had added an extra dime to the collection.
With little time to waste, I faced the sun in the west…
I firmly planted my feet on the crystals on top of the mound…
And performed my second initiation just as the sun began to set.
When I was done, I hiked down the mountain and back to the parking lot. This is what I saw.
Once I reached the parking lot, I noticed two bright lights in the western sky. I consulted my smartphone ©Google Sky Map application and discovered that the most brilliant light of the two was Venus, and the duller light was Saturn.
I left Dreamy Draw Park, headed home, and fell asleep a few hours later. That night, I had the following dream:
In my dream, I was sitting across a large, wooden table from a native American man (Hopi?) with long, braided hair and olive skin. On the table directly in front of me was a book or piece of art, and coming out of this book or piece of art were the voices of native Americans singing at the top of their lungs. The man across the table from me looked directly into my eyes and said, “Listen! They approve of what you’re doing!” Keep doing it. The man then got up from his chair, walked around the table to where I was sitting, and kissed me.
Suddenly, a loud noise from my bedroom jolted me from my sleep. When I woke up, I could still feel the presence of the Native American in my dream but could not figure out what caused the noise. Strangely, I was not frightened. I noticed that the time on the clock was 4:05 AM and then fell back to sleep.
On Monday, September 16, I decided not to continue with the Kabbalah classes or any other classes during my journey. I did this primarily to prevent anyone from claiming that any group of people other than myself influenced my actions during my rituals.
I returned to the mountain that evening. I took the following photograph of my shadow as I approached the pinnacle from the west.
As soon as I reached the top of the mountain, my friend, the Hawk, visited me. It paused directly overhead, looked straight down at me, and then flew off to the east.
I turned towards the sun and once again performed the mantra passed on to me during the 72 Days of Angels and The Brotherhood of Light journey.
As soon as the sun set in the west, the moon appeared over the horizon in the east. I spent the next hour taking photographs of this beautiful event.
I finished my hike with a snapshot of Venus…
and then returned home. I spent the next several days working on the apartments and waiting for more inspiration and direction.
On Friday, September 27, halfway through my 30-minute elliptical workout at my gym, I finally began receiving insight into my journey. I spent the next several days putting all of the details in order. I decided my journey would begin on Friday, October 4, 2013, during the New Moon, at 5:34 PM, Phoenix, Arizona time.
On September 18, I checked in with to see what was happening in the cosmos. A photograph and an article about comet ISON were posted on the website’s home page. The comet was scheduled to fly by Mars on October 1 before continuing its journey towards the Sun. I couldn’t help but notice the starburst symbol in the photograph below.
That afternoon, while swimming laps, I suddenly heard my mother’s voice repeatedly in my head. She said, “Don’t forget that your blood type is O-negative.” It was something my mother told me quite often as a child. I had no clue as to why that particular memory began running through my head all of a sudden, but when I got home, I did some research online, and it wasn’t long before I discovered some interesting theories:
Rh-Negative Origin Theories: We have collected the existing theories of Rh-negative origin for you in a central location, but the individual stories are the intellectual property of the original authors. We did not write them and don’t necessarily support the authors’ ideas, beliefs, or opinions.
• Blood of the Gods
• Hyperborea ~ Rh- Bloodline Migrations…
• The Annunaki: Enki & Enlil
• The Basque History of the World
• The Black Sun & The Vril Society
• The Original Europeans, Rh- Factor…
• Jesus (Yashua’s) Nazarene
• The Case of Adam’s Alien Genes
Rh—Characteristics: Some have said that there are certain noticeable characteristics that a majority of people with Rh-negative Blood seem to share. We have NOT created this list; instead, it is a cumulative list of the more popular ones circulating online for many years.
• A feeling of not belonging
• Truth seekers
• A sense of a “Mission” in life
• Empathy & Compassion for Mankind
• An extra rib or vertebra.
• Higher than average IQ
• ESP Ability
• Love of Space & Science
• More sensitive vision & other senses.
• Increased psychic/intuitive abilities
• Cannot be cloned
• Lower body temperature
• Higher blood pressure (some say lower)
• Predominantly blue, green, or Hazel eyes
• Red or reddish tint to hair color
• Increased sensitivity to heat & sunlight
• Unexplained Scares
• Piercing Eyes
• Tend to be Healers
• Empathetic Illnesses
• Ability to disrupt electrical devices
• Prone to Alien Abductions
• Experience unexplained phenomenon
• Physic Dreams and Ability
With that in mind, my journey officially began on Friday, October 4, 2013.
The Transfiguration of Christ Copyright Notice
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- Reproduction of the written work: In any form
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- Derivative works of written work: Examples of derivative works include making a novel into a motion picture, digitizing an image or text, a teacher’s manual, recording a musical composition, an abridgment or translation, and turning a story into a ballet.
By clicking on the “Next” button below, you acknowledge that the author’s written portion (story) of this site and the photographs have been copyrighted and cannot be duplicated or transferred into a different medium without written consent. – William Christopher Jordan