Deeper and Deeper was the fourth track from the Erotica CD released on October 20, 1992.
Soul Group: A group of souls that we are spiritually connected to, just as we are connected to the collective conscious. These are a group of souls we are meant to connect within the spirit and physical worlds. Our angels, spirit guides, and teachers are also part of our soul group. People from our soul group come into our lives seemingly randomly to learn or teach a lesson, or many lessons, depending on the amount of time we spend together. We recognize other soul group members through their spiritual energy. Whether we have good or bad experiences with each soul group member doesn’t matter; every experience has great value. Mother Earth and Father Sky also play a big part in the collective consciousness and the law of universality. Together, we’re all tiny seeds in an unimaginably large universe, but collectively, we play a significant role in all creation and preservation.
Out of Your Mind (Astrology Forecast – April 2008 until January 2010), This influence represents an enormous revolution in your consciousness, as you are exposed to aspects of life that you never dreamed possible. These might include any of the following: metaphysics; astrology; magic; altered states of consciousness, perhaps through meditation, or groups whose ideas are extremely idealistic and radical. What is happening is that tremendous new understandings are asserting themselves in your life with such force that they seem to upset all your past ways of thinking. However, this is only a problem of perspective. At this time you are in the middle of these changes and cannot see the relationship between your new consciousness and your old. But they are related, which you will come to understand as the immediate impact of this influence begins to pass. This is a period of tremendous psychological insights and change. Keep your situation fluid enough that you can make changes as necessary. Do not try to build permanent structures at this time, because you will have to change them again and again. It should be noted, however, that the primary effects of this influence occur at the psychological level. Possibly you will respond to this influence with confusion, doubt, and uncertainty. Let it be, and wait for the situation to settle down. Try to minimize the elements of your life that require you to make long-range commitments, because your changing consciousness will make it difficult to continue such a commitment. If old goals lose their meaning, that is what must be. Be patient, and new goals will enter your life that will better fit your new state of mind. Others may think you have gone out of your mind because of what you do and see at this time but do not be concerned. This revolution in ideas and consciousness is a fundamental part of your life, and it must be allowed to pursue its course. Copyright
I continued my descent deeper and deeper down into the rabbit hole.
So far my soul group consisted of my mother and father; Lynn my best friend in the first, second and third grades; Thaddeus, my first lover and a man of Italian descent; Massah and Samuel, two men of Lumbee Indian descent; Titus, a man of African descent; Zuriel, another man of Italian descent; Joel, another man of African descent; Cyrus, a man of African and Cherokee Indian descent; Chuza, my friend and spiritual counselor; Lois, my Swedish sister; Reba, my friend and a woman of Italian descent; Ruth, my Irish friend and inspiration behind this story; Levi, another man of African descent; Roberto, a man of Brazilian descent; Benjamin, a man of French and Cherokee Indian descent; Paco, a medicine man from the Klamath Indian tribe; Dolos, a man of Italian\Portuguese\Irish descent; Joel, a man of Texas/Mexican descent; Dinah, the shamanic practitioner who performed my soul retrieval; several close friends of over thirty years and members of my family, which are of Scotch/Irish/Swedish descent.
“Kisses sent from heaven above They get sweeter and sweeter the more that I know. This feeling inside, I can’t explain. But my love is alive, And I’m never gonna hide it again”
March 4th, 2008, arrived, and I decided it was time to march fourth into the next chapter of my life. With my Soul Retrieval behind me, I couldn’t help but wonder what new adventures lie ahead.
As I searched for ways to explore deeper realms of my spirituality, I thought it was an excellent time to remind myself that life was nothing less than an education and planet Earth was nothing less than an institution, a place where souls gathered in groups to learn about unconditional love. As I kept this thought in the back of my mind, I wondered when the next member of my soul group would arrive, what he or she would look like, and what new lessons this person would teach me about life.
Deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper
Sweeter and sweeter and sweeter and sweeter
I can’t help falling in love
I fall deeper and deeper the further I go
Kisses sent from heaven above
They get sweeter and sweeter the more that I know
When you know the notes to sing
You can sing most anything
That’s what my mama told me
Round and round and round you go
When you find love you’ll always know
I let my father mold me
Daddy couldn’t be all wrong
[Not gonna let you slip away, I’m gonna be there]
And my mama made me learn this song
[You’re gonna bring your love to me, I’m gonna get you]
That’s why
The deeper I go
All is fair in love she said
Think with your heart, not with your head
That’s what my mama told me
All the little things you do
Will end up coming back to you
I let my father mold me
(chorus, repeat)
Someone said that romance was dead
And I believed it instead of remembering
What my mama told me
Let my father mold me
Then you tried to hold me
You remind me what they said
This feeling inside
I can’t explain
But my love is alive
And I’m never gonna hide it again
Deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper
Never gonna hide it again
Sweeter and sweeter and sweeter and sweeter
Never gonna have to pretend
You got to just let your body move to the music
You got to just let your body go with the flow
Falling in love, falling in love, falling in love
I can’t keep from falling in love with you
You know there’s nothing better that I’d like to do