March 23, 2012
I woke up at 6:58 AM thinking about a photograph I had taken at the end of my 72 Days of God journey. I had asked that an image of Christ appear in one of my photographs. When I saw the following picture, my connection to the Christ within was instantly restored.
The Light Within
The photo was taken in Page, Arizona, at Antelope Canyon on July 23, 2011. Antelope Canyon is located at 36°51′ N. latitude and 111°22′ N. longitude. My connection to the numbers 1, 2, and 3 appears not only in the date of the photo but the longitude of the photograph’s location, as well. (See below)

Google Maps 2012
But what jolted me out of bed so early this morning, March 23, 2012, was the thought that I could have been born on the exact parallel of where I took a photograph. It had never dawned on me to check this until this very morning.
I drove straight to Starbucks, got online, and just as the sun rose in the east…
Google Maps 2012
I was stunned, to say the very least! It gave me a lot to think about during my drive to Roswell, New Mexico. I set out for Roswell, not knowing what to expect or if I should expect anything at all. The drive was very flat, straight, and long, but it gave me a lot of time to reflect and prepare.
I arrived in Roswell approximately three hours later. After turning my clock back an hour at the Texas/New Mexico border, I was surprised to realize that I hadn’t seen a hawk all day. I wondered if it had forsaken me during this part of my journey.
Upon my arrival in Roswell, I stopped at McDonald’s to use their wi-fi service and to look at other locations I had visited on the 36th Parallel during some previous journeys.
I discovered the following:
72 Days of God
- Boone, NC | April 13, 2010 | 36°12′ – This was where the image of the Cherokee Indian Spirit appeared during a fire ceremony.
- Death Valley, CA | September 21, 2011 | 36°27′ – A very Biblical day in nature.
- Coal Mine Canyon, AZ | July 22, 2011 | 36°00′ – The photograph Ricardo took as the sun set on my 50th birthday.
- Page, AZ – Antelope Canyon | July 23, 2011 | 36°51′ – This is where the abstract image of Christ appeared.
As I continued exploring the 36th Parallel on my map, I found one place that I had not visited but had always wanted to visit: Chaco Culture, New Mexico. I thought this was very interesting, and I pondered whether or not I should make this a stop on my current journey.
My obsession with the 33rd Parallel may have prompted this journey, but I could see now that the 36th Parallel fed my soul in compelling ways.
Once I figured out my way around Roswell, I found the Visitor’s Center and inquired about campgrounds and the location of the UFO crash site.
I discovered that the apparent crash site was in Corona, New Mexico, 106 miles to the northwest. However, 30 minutes north of town on HWY 285 (Main Street), between mile markers 132 and 133, was where the UFO first landed before it skipped and landed 45 miles away in Corona. Of course, I recognized the mile marker 132 but decided I would not drive out to investigate. Roswell was close enough for me.
After spending time in Roswell, I made my way out to the Bottomless Lake State Park, 17 miles east.
Once I arrived at the park, I paid the $10.00 fee for a campsite and spent some time hiking around the lake.
Then, between 6:39 and 6:59 PM, I performed the Banishing The Remnants of Evil invocation. While invoking, I soaked my feet in the stream that was used as runoff from the lake.
I took the following photo as the sun set on my return to my campsite.
After the sun went down, I met the person camping at the campsite beside me. He and I spent the evening sharing stories about our lives and talking about this and that. Jason was 25 years old and had just moved to Roswell for his job. He was from Missouri.
I went to bed in the back of my van around 10:30 while Jason sat out in his lawn chair and read a book. Since he worked the night shift, he said he probably wouldn’t sleep until 4:00 AM or so.
I smiled as I asked him to keep an eye on my van to make sure that extraterrestrials didn’t abduct me in the middle of the night. I was grateful to have Jason as my guardian angel for the night.