August 11, 2012
I woke up on the morning of August 11, 2012, around 7:30 AM. After a quick shower and straightening up my van, I headed back across the highway to Moenkopi for breakfast and to check my email. After breakfast and publishing Day 43 of my journal, I set out on my 2.5-hour drive to the Four Corners Monument, where the four states of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona came together simultaneously. Before I pulled away from the restaurant’s parking lot, I noticed my favorite numbers again on my van’s odometer—a good sign.
About halfway between Moenkopi and Kayenta, Arizona, I noticed two crows circling over an abandoned house on the southern side of the highway. I also passed several herds of sheep on this highway. Sheep offered these messages:
- abundance,
- fresh start,
- courage,
- facing danger.
Once I arrived in Kayenta, I stopped for a bite to eat, gassed up my van, and continued east across the high desert. At this point, the air conditioner on my van stopped working. After reading about the various plagues at the Four Corners Monument, I arrived at the Four Corners Monument at 2:15 PM.
After browsing some Native American booths, I searched for the perfect place to perform my “Sweetening Judgment” invocation. I positioned myself in the Utah section of the monument…
And looking towards New Mexico, invoked the “Sweetening Judgment” angel between 2:48 and 3:08 PM.
Located on the northern edge of the 36°59’49.92″ Parallel, I dedicated this meditation to the first Hopi Tiponi Tablet: Gold.
Google Maps 2012
Rewind: After I returned to Phoenix from visiting Hopi the previous month of May, I came across a YouTube channel of a young man who believed that he had deciphered the ancient Hopi Tiponi Tablets. He titled these tablets Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. This grabbed my attention since I was told I was one of the three Wise Men in my previous life. He also included the Hopi Blue and Red Star Kachina prophecies in his videos and the Prophecy Rock.
In two separate videos, he explains his theory that the Blue Star Kachina had taken place during the Annular Lunar Eclipse on May 20, 2012 (See Day 31), when the blue star constellation the Pleiades aligned with the Sun, Moon, and Earth. I was at Hopi during the Blue Star Kachina if his theory was correct.
He also theorized that the Red Star Kachina occurred when Venus transited the Sun several weeks later, on June 5 and 6, 2012. (See Day 35) e went on to show how both events had taken place under the sign of Gemini, known in ancient times as the Twins. The twins, or nephews, are also mentioned in the Hopi Blue and Red Star Kachina prophecies.
According to his theory, the eclipse on May 20, 2012, represented the rattle of the Ouroboros, which the Mayans also spoke of in their 2012 prophecy. Six months after the May 20, 2012 eclipse, another eclipse was due to take place on November 13, 2012, in the constellation of Serpens, or the Serpent. This eclipse would represent the head of Ouroboros. Both of these eclipses signified the end of a 26,000-year cycle.
He then draws a parallel between the planet Venus and Jesus, noting that they both sound very similar. The cosmic equivalent to what is known as the return of Christ is actually the Superior Conjunction of Venus scheduled to take place on March 28, 2013, which just happens to be Passover, Easter, and the Spring Equinox.
In the video, he explains how every 26,000 years, when the Earth experiences this alignment with Venus, a supervolcano erupts, purifying the Earth with mile-high floods, earthquakes, and smaller volcanoes. As predicted by the Mayans, December 21, 2012, would be the end of that 26,000-year cycle, when humankind would transition from the sign of Pisces—the universal symbol of Christ—into the sign of Aquarius, the water bearer, or the great flood.
And it was this return to the sign of Aquarius, which takes place every 26,000 years, that the earth becomes flooded, purified, and reshaped.
Honestly, I had to admit that I found this information fascinating, but I had no idea whether or not any of it held any credence.
He decodes each of the four Hopi Tiponi Tablets, the first of which he titled Gold.
Hopi Tablet No. 1: Gold
The following is the young man’s deciphering of the first Hopi tablet:
FRONT PANEL – The symbols on the left side of the front panel represent the Inferior Conjunction of the planet Venus, which took place on June 5 and 6, 2012. The large square represented the vagina or doorway into the new age; the transition from the Age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius. – The figures holding their crotches represented men guarding their loins out of respect for God, and the preparation of travel, perhaps into the new age.
BACK PANEL – The figure at the very bottom represents the four elements of Earth. – The two small figures on the left-bottom on the image above represent Maasaw’s large footprints. (Maasaw is the name of the person who is supposedly returned these tablets to Hopi, except for a missing piece in the fourth tablet.) – The snake represents the Ouroboros; the rattle of the snake is the constellation, Pleiades (May 20, 2012 Eclipse: Day 31) the head of the snake is the constellation, Serpens (November 13, 2012, Eclipse: to take place later.) – The four figures on the left side of the image above, including the footprints of Maasaw, represent flesh, rain, corn in the old world. The three figures on the right side represent flesh, rain, corn in the new world. – The figures in the very center, represent the Inferior Conjunction of Venus at the bottom, and the Superior Conjunction of Venus at the top, scheduled to take place on March 28, 2013.
Once I completed my invocation, I strolled by all the Native American booths on the Utah side of the monument. I wanted to show my support to these people by purchasing a piece of their art. I found the following necklace with a Horned Toad hanging on the end.
I purchased the necklace, returned to my van, and drove to Cortez, Colorado, approximately 40 minutes away. I spent the rest of the day getting to know Cortez and swimming laps at the Cortez Recreation Center. I felt great. I spent the night in a Walmart parking lot and went to bed around 10:00 PM.