October 12, 2015—5:00 PM
I returned to Dreamy Draw Park during the new moon on Monday, October 12, 2015, almost two years after performing my first prayer for The Transfiguration of Christ. Like so many times before, I hiked to the top of The Transfiguration of Christ Mountain and set flame to one of the three pages used in the last set of prayers. This exercise was my way of releasing all the prayers I had performed over the last several months.
After the paper completely disappeared, I photographed the sun setting on the horizon.
I hiked over to where I had performed my last new moon meditation. As soon as I arrived, I sat on the throne and set fire to the last page of my prayers…
I took the very last photograph of my journey.
A new day had begun.
My journey with the Hopi started in April 2008 when I lived in Lakewood, Colorado.
Here’s a brief rundown:
2008: My first visit to Hopi occurred in April of 2008. As fate would have it, I would attend my first Kachina Dance in the village of Shongopovi. Little did I know then, but this was a rare and auspicious occurrence for a first-time visitor. Shongopovi is the Solar Plexus Chakra on the Hopi Chakra map. Three months later, while visiting Mesa Verde, Colorado, during the 4th of July holiday, I witnessed my first Hopi Buffalo Dance. Mesa Verde was also the Base Chakra on the Hopi Chakra map.
2011: Three years later, I lived in Phoenix, Arizona. I decided to visit Hopi again on my 50th birthday, at the end of the Unconditional Love journey.
2012: The following year, on May 13, 2012, entirely guided by my intuition, and while on my 72 Days of Angel’s journey, I performed the “Jealousy” meditation at Tuzigoot National Monument. Unknowingly, Tuzigoot represented the Crown Chakra for the Hopi. Six days after my Tuzigoot meditation, my adventure brought me back to the Second Mesa at Hopi for my third visit. This visit was when I first met Ahote and Tuwa. The following day, the three of us witnessed the extremely rare Annular Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse, which took place directly over Hopi Land. I left Arizona and moved to California.
2013: Six months after my return to Phoenix, on October 4, 2013, I was inspired to embark on the next chapter of my journey at Dreamy Draw Park. I titled this chapter The Transfiguration of Christ. During this chapter of my story, I learned that Dreamy Draw Park was on the same grid line as Ricardo’s apartments, which I managed. The park was just a few miles north of the apartments at 112° latitude. Since the 33rd Parallel and the earth’s grid lines had played a critical role in my journey, I found this connection very interesting.
2015: I finished my last prayer for Blood Moon Tetrad during the fourth blood moon lunar eclipse on September 27, 2015, on the Second Mesa at Hopi. Several weeks later, during the full moon of November 25, 2015, I discovered that my apartment on 21st Street, Dreamy Draw Park, and Tuzigoot National Monument were all on the same grid line at 112° latitude. Starting with my apartment’s location, a direct line could be drawn north through Dreamy Draw Park, where I performed most of my prayers, all the way to Tuzigoot National Monument, the Crown Chakra of the Hopi Chakras.
Google Maps 2014
After putting all of this together, I couldn’t help but feel as though my intuition had served me well over the last seven years of my life, bringing me on a journey with a distinct pattern and synchronicity. In the early morning hours of December 6, 2015, I woke up from a bizarre dream.
I ascended a large staircase inside a huge house. On the top floor, there were many empty, spacious rooms. When I got to the top of the staircase, I began examining the various rooms and quickly discovered that the walls in each room had been painted with a very bright, luminescent white. I approached each room with caution but quickly learned that no serious threat was to be found.
I woke up, curious about the rooms I had seen in my dream.