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Lost And Found
Day Sixty-Nine – April 26, 2010
Upon waking, I knew it was time to start my drive back to North Carolina. There was just one thing that I wanted to do before I got on the interstate and started heading south.
Before I left my campground, I got online to check my morning email and discovered the following message from my friend, Barb. She replied to an email I sent earlier, which included a photo of her and her husband.
“Oh, I love this picture–thanks so much for sending it along. Thank you so much for making time for me, wanting to meet Dave, and for all your compliments about us. It was so great to see you–no matter how long it’s been, you are always so familiar. Safe travels on the rest of your journey & lots of love.”
I departed my campground and headed to the National Harbor to see one of my favorite sculptures. When I stopped to get gas, I noticed the numbers 1-2-3 and the word “Ultimate” on a sign at the gas station. At this point, the 1-2-3 messages began illuminating my path to my spiritual home..
I made my way to the National Harbor and, within a short period, found one of my favorite sculptures, “The Awakening.”
“The Awakening is a 100-foot statue of a giant embedded in the earth, struggling to free himself, located at National Harbor in Prince George’s County, Maryland, just outside the District of Columbia. It was created by J. Seward Johnson, Jr. and originally installed at Hains Point (East Potomac Park), Washington, DC. in 1980 for the International Sculpture Conference Exhibition.”
Strangely enough, during this particular visit, I could see my reflection on this piece of art. It seemed to sum up my 72 Days of God journey perfectly.
As I pulled away from the National Harbor, I received the following messages.
If your God:
- Wishes to conquer other Gods, ask your God why and then tell it, “NO!”
- Is a jealous, envious, or vengeful God, inform your God that sort of behavior is not very helpful and ask your God to get some counseling.
- Doesn’t have the capacity to love unconditionally, become more significant than your God and show it how to.
- Seeks power and control over others, questions whether or not it’s a real God. A real God is part of the universal God and would never turn on itself.
- Makes you think in limiting ways or asks you to live in fear, you may want to think about getting a new God. There are plenty of loving Gods to choose from.
As I continued my drive from Washington, DC, to Wilmington, North Carolina, I continued to see the 1-2-3 messages. They appeared everywhere.
Approximately five hours after leaving the National Harbor, I reached my niece’s house in Wilmington, North Carolina. I was still three hours away from my hometown. I pulled into her driveway as she was getting ready to head to class. After a quick hug and a brief conversation, she went to class, and I went to get a bite to eat. I then drove to Wrightsville Beach to take in the sunset.
I made it to the beach a few minutes before sunset, started playing around with my camera, and realized that my journey had safely brought me from the West Coast to the East Coast. I thought about my friend Dan, whom I had reunited with at the Russian River and visited in San Francisco. This place was where the two of us met over twenty-five years ago.
I began writing messages in the sand to show my appreciation to my spirit guides, teachers, and angels.
After I took in the sunset, I returned to my niece’s house and pulled up to her home at around 8:45 PM. I said hello to her boyfriend, walked out onto the porch, and sat down for a very long conversation. Since she was just two years younger than me, this particular niece felt more like my sister. The two of us had been through a lot together, and her unconditional love for me had never once failed.
We talked from 9:00 PM until 2:00 AM. I had sent her the link to my journey’s website before I left Oregon, but she had never taken the time to read about it because she had been going through somewhat of a crisis concerning her job and the people at her job. As she filled me in on everything that was going on, including the fact that her boss’s wife was in intensive care with a 10% chance of surviving, I could sense that my niece was at her breaking point. I became concerned for her well-being and mental state.
I then remembered my astrology forecast (See Day 64) as I stood by and listened to her pour out her emotions and concerns. We pulled a few cards, which informed us that she was going through a period of purification, but in the end, she would come out okay and in a much better place. Regardless, I was very concerned about her immediate future. All I could do was listen.
I went to bed shortly after 2:00 AM. I dedicated this song to her and anyone questioning their faith.