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Day Thirty-Eight – March 26, 2010
I woke up recalling an intense dream about my friend Jose. Upon checking my email, I found a message from Dasha, my third participant in the 72 Days of God survey. Here’s an excerpt from Dasha’s letter: “Hi Chris, I just wish to tell you and bless you on your journey…I’m not even sure how to put it all in just a few sentences, but one will say it all. I feel like you are me and I am you. There have been many times I thought about how beautiful it would be to be and feel so free and to travel aimlessly into the unknown places I would be taken without fear, and only knowing that I would always be taken care of and guided exactly where I was to go. Reading your journal, I felt like I was there and I truly think that another part of my being is there. So maybe that’s what they mean by…you are never alone…I truly mean that I feel your energy is the same as mine, from the animals guiding you, from the beautiful pictures you have taken, from the people you are meeting, from the trust you have with everything you come across, from the cleansing of the blocked energy in body to the web sites you mentioned, to your daily thoughts…”
Date of Reading: March 26, 2010
Participant’s Name: Dasha
Dasha’s Birthdate: 5/10/1965
Dasha’s answers to the 72 Days of God questions:
1) Do you believe in God? If so, based on which religion or spiritual practice? If not, why? This one is so complicated to explain in human language that I am still trying to translate it and un-program all I ever read and heard, sometimes I get flashes from the eternal beginning that I am god/ a particle of him that is ever growing/evolving into his fullness again. I feel very close to all religions, from Buddhism to native Americans, because there is that depth in all of them which is Love in its roots and not their separation nor assumption
2) What does the concept of God mean to you? The greatest, purest energy of Love within everything which ever was, is and will be. With no beginning and no end.
3) What do you feel is the purpose of life on earth? Sometimes I joke and say… to get back to that source through evolving, experiencing, growing, remembering, to kick my … as to why did I ever choose to separate, the curious seed that I No really .. just to love and be the love
4) What are you most passionate about and what do you wish to accomplish with your life? Took me a little while to realize that my passion is everything, If I can just stay aware in each moment. I am accomplishing everything. To be unconditional to all, to fully embrace my body consciousness with all one, to stop limiting myself, and to create in each moment with my heart. Share heaven on earth with all, Shambala sounds good:)
5) What do you truly believe happens when you die? I will finally remember why I came back and chose to experience so many foolish things. lol, I love experiencing everything.. well..I will choose more wisely next time, lol, maybe I’ll try for other planets, or…
I was very grateful for her lovely message and for participating in the survey. It truly meant a lot to me. Thanks, Dasha!
Taylor got off work at noon, and we spent the afternoon visiting more art galleries and touring various neighborhoods in San Antonio. Being the seventh largest city in the country, San Antonio had a lot to offer.
It was one of those days where nothing seemed to get done, but the time off was a nice, relaxing change of pace. I started thinking about my next destination and where the roads would take me beyond San Antonio.
My time at Taylor’s house had offered me the needed rest and regeneration, but I could feel the road calling my name. I remembered how lost and underprepared I felt when I pulled into San Antonio, and if it hadn’t been for meeting Taylor, I’m not sure what would have happened. I was so pleased to have met Taylor and to have been able to spend the last five days getting to know him. His companionship meant a lot to me.
That evening, Taylor and I watched “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.” We went to bed at 1:00 AM.