Unconditional Love
Day Twelve – February 28, 2010
This day I started just like the day before. After my usual routine, I spent most of the morning working on my journal while Sam worked on his stuff in the office down the hall. The full moon energy from the day before had settled down a bit, and the atmosphere in the house was much more relaxed.
Sam and I headed to his gym that afternoon for a light workout. He had given me a free week pass and wanted to show me how to get there in case I wanted to go for a workout by myself.
The first thing I noticed about the gym was that the equipment was outdated. I felt like I had walked back into the 80s. I was surprised. After 30 minutes of working on the elliptical machine, I walked into the restroom and had the strangest experience. I could not find any urinals.
I walked through the locker area, by the showers and sinks, past the stalls, and could not find a urinal for the life of me. Since I was in a strange town, at a peculiar gym where the gym equipment was somewhat outdated, I figured the restroom was also outdated. I circled one more time before I settled for one of the stalls. I then washed my hands and returned to the gym floor.
As soon as I left the restroom, this strange man approached me and asked, “Do you realize you were just in the women’s restroom?” I must have turned five different shades of red. I was so embarrassed, but it was one of the funniest things that had happened to me in a long time. We got a kick out of it when I told Sam what had happened. It never once dawned on me that I was in the women’s restroom.
Once we finished our workout, we left the gym and went to El Pollo Loco for a quick bite. We returned to Sam’s house to head over to Sam’s favorite Sunday afternoon hangout.
As Sam and I drove over to his favorite bar, I had the overwhelming feeling that I would run into a member of my soul group.
Soul Group: A group of souls that we are spiritually connected to, just as we are connected to the collective conscious. These are a group of souls, and we are meant to connect with the spirit and physical worlds. Our angels, spirit guides, and teachers are also part of our soul group.
People from our soul group come into our lives seemingly randomly to learn or teach a lesson, or many lessons, depending on the amount of time we spend together. We recognize another soul group member through their spiritual energy. Whether we have good or bad experiences with each soul group member doesn’t matter; every lesson has excellent value.
While Sam walked around the bar and chatted with his friends, I stood in the corner looking for the person I was supposed to meet. I couldn’t explain it, but I knew I was supposed to meet a soul group member that particular day.
A few hours passed, and I did not recognize anyone in the bar. I ended up standing with Sam and some of his friends when, all of a sudden, the person I had been waiting on finally appeared. I recognized his soul the moment I saw him. I think we both knew each other the moment we met. His name was Lee.
About an hour after spending time with Lee, Sam decided he was hungry and ready to leave, so Lee offered to take a group of us out to eat. We drove to a local restaurant and had a lovely meal.
During our conversation, it was revealed that I did card readings. Since Lee had just opened up a new art gallery in Palm Desert, he wanted to schedule a reading with me to see if his business would be successful. We arranged to get together on March 2, around 6:00 PM. He gave me his birth date so I could take a look at his chart. When dinner was over and Sam and I returned to Sam’s house, I ran the following compatibility chart for Lee and myself. I was curious about where we were compatible.
First Connection: Lee is the Cosmic Lesson Card to Chris | Location: Spiritual Spread
From a past life of being together, Lee has returned to Chris in order to play an important role in his life. This role will help him find himself and his life’s work if he is looking for these answers. This represents a karmic debt that Lee must repay in order to fulfill his own aspirations. Somehow, Lee will be able to help Chris realize his highest potential. At the least, Lee’s presence in his life will act as a sign to point him in the right direction, a direction where Chris may fulfill his obligation to the world and make a valuable contribution through his efforts.
On a personal level, this connection has little, if any, influence. It may not affect the feelings they have for each other unless the subject of Chris’ most important issues revolves around his purpose and career. In that case, Lee may find himself reminding him of how he can improve himself, or of what things he can do to get more success in the areas to which he is striving. If this happens, Chris may react with gratitude or with resistance, and this could play an impact on just how they get along with each other. The more important these issues are for Chris, the more this connection will affect the relationship.
But, in most cases, the reminder is more of a subtle nature and doesn’t manifest in any sort of personal confrontation between the partners. To the degree that Chris is aware of his own personal need to play some important role in his life, he will find Lee to be a helpful influence in this regard. He may even be doing the kind of work that he is wanting to do or is destined to do. They may be able to share this work. In other cases, Chris may not be career-minded at all and Lee merely serves to remind him of characteristics that will help him fulfill whatever roles he is playing in his life more effectively. There is definitely an implied student/teacher relationship here, though it is not necessary for either Lee or Chris to be aware of it.
However, Lee’s presence is a lesson to Chris on some level and the more he is aware of this, and then acts upon what he is receiving from him, the sooner Chris will elevate himself in respect to whatever roles he is playing in his life. Copyright Book of Destiny
Second Connection: Chris and Lee are Venus to each other | Location: Spiritual Spread
This is one of the truly blessed connections. What it implies, first of all, is that Chris and Lee were together in a meaningful way in a former lifetime. During that lifetime, they were in a significant relationship. It may or may not have been marriage. It could have been best friends, father/son, mother/son, mother/daughter, etc. The important thing is that Chris and Lee were very close in that lifetime and spent a lot of time together. Over the course of their relationship, they met with many challenges and overcame them with love, patience, and perseverance. They developed a deep love for each other by having shared so much. This lifetime together created much good karma in the area of relationship because each of them made sacrifices for each other and loved each other with a high degree of integrity and commitment.
As a result, when they first met in this lifetime, they recognized a certain familiarity and also noted the ease of being together. Though they are unable to remember their previous life together, the feelings remain for each other on a soul level. When they engage in a relationship in this lifetime, they find that many of the elements that most couples have to earn by being together, such as trust and appreciation for each other, are already present for them. In essence, they already have a good foundation upon which to build any sort of relationship.
This connection is one of the ‘love at first sight ‘ connections. But this one is even better than most because it is a mutual connection. Mutual means that both people experience the influence equally. This has the effect of doubling the influence, and in this case, the influence is very favorable, to begin with.
Chris and Lee will find that this relationship is fairly easy unless other connections strongly contradict. If this connection is between their Birth Cards, the compatibility between them is guaranteed. Having a lot of compatibilities is not, however, a guarantee that the relationship itself will work.
There are far too many other factors that influence the outcome of relationships for any connection to make that guarantee. However, love is there, and in great abundance.
As a result of this connection, Chris and Lee already have a great deal of mutual respect, appreciation and good feelings for each other. In some cases, these feelings may be hard to explain because the two people involved may not have a lot in common. This connection can help show Chris and Lee just how love can overcome all differences. It is the most powerful force in the universe.
There are cases, however, where two people with this connection just cannot be together in this lifetime. The differences in their lifestyle or life direction are so great that one of them would have to give up too much to make it work. The love is there, along with the understanding that this relationship wasn’t meant to happen in this lifetime, or perhaps it will happen later in this lifetime after each has fulfilled some important work they are doing. The love between Chris and Lee will remain with them forever – through this lifetime and on into the future. That may be why so many people with this connection feel that they are soul mates. But the truth is that we have these connections with many people, but we will probably only choose to stay with one.
Hopefully, Chris and Lee have enough in common that this will be the case for them. If they only focus on the love they have for each other, everything will work itself out in the best way possible for all concerned. Chris and Lee are blessed to have this experience. Just meeting each other could transform their lives. Copyright Book of Destiny
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The chart confirmed that Lee and I were supposed to meet. I looked forward to my reading with him on Tuesday, March 2.