October 16, 2013
GENERAL NUMEROLOGY: 13. IMMORTALITY | DEATH, AND RESURRECTION | “Permutations. It indicates a total change.” PERSONAL NUMEROLOGY: Personal Year: Number 8 – Personal Month: Number 9 – Personal Day: Number 7
Local Planetary Day: Mercury – Local Planetary Hour: 4:56—5:53 PM | MarsI had three weeks and three days to go before I completed my ritual — 24 days. I approached the mountain from three different sides…
The Transfiguration of Christ Mountain (From the North)
The Transfiguration of Christ Mountain (From the West)
The Transfiguration of Christ Mountain (From the North)
Acting quickly, I retrieved my stones from my bag, set everything out, and began my ceremony.
The Father and I are one.
I stand before thee in the Light of the Christ.
For I am Light
I am Light
I am that Light.
Under the Planetary Day Mercury, and the Planetary Hour Mars, I asked that the Creator cleanse and send out love to all of the areas of Mother Earth highlighted in the following image, this time between the Latitude, the Prime Meridian, and E10°, all the way from the North Pole down to the South Pole:
Google Earth Map 2013
Areas of Focus For Day 13: Latitude Prime Meridian—E10° | Arctic Ocean—Norwegian Sea—North Sea—Norway—Denmark—United Kingdom—Netherlands—Belgium—Luxemburg—Germany—France—Austria—Switzerland—Italy—Andorra—Spain—Balearic Sea—Monaco—Mediterranean Sea—Algeria—Tunisia—Libya—Mali-Niger—Burkina Faso—Ghana—Togo—Benin—Nigeria—Cameroon—Equatorial Guinea—Gabon—Bouvet Island—Gulf of Guinea—South Atlantic Ocean—Southern Ocean—Antarctica
Meditation/Prayer: I prayed that all stones, plants, animals, and human beings born in these areas would be cleansed and prepared for a great re-balancing and purification. I also prayed for all of the creatures of the seas, land, and air and asked that they all return to perfect health.
I then asked the Creator to recognize the fact that Planet Earth and all of its inhabitants had a lot of nurturing and Love to offer, not only to the Universe but also to the other planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. I asked that all of the Unconditional Love that existed on Earth be sent out into our Solar System and Universe.
I then prayed, asking my ancestors from the stars to return to Mother Earth to help with the re-balancing. I informed them that the time was now. I asked that the purification take place in a nonjudgmental manner and that the energy of Unconditional Love is present at all times. I invited them to reveal themselves to me in a physical form during my journey if they deemed it appropriate.
I then said a sincere prayer for all my friends and family members.
Once I finished my prayers, I retrieved the medicine bag my Hopi friend, Ahote, gave me during the 72 Days of Angels and The Brotherhood of Light chapter.
Since it was Day 13 of my journey, I thought it would be a great time to harvest the 13 seeds…
From the nearby shrub. I walked over to the bush and began picking the seeds. I gently placed each of the 13 seeds in my medicine bag, walked back over to my stones, and closed out my ceremony. I always sincerely thanked the Creator before closing out each prayer.
As I was packing up my things to leave, a family of three girls and a mother and father arrived on top of the mountain. The father acknowledged me and said, “Hi! You’re still here! We could see you from the road as we pulled into the park.” I just smiled and said, “Yeah, thanks! I’ve been here for a while now.” At that point, they turned and set off down the mountain.
And departed the east side of the mountain facing west.
The Transfiguration of Christ Mountain (From the East)
I finished Day 13 of my journey with another image of Venus, which had become the mascot of my adventure.