November 5, 2013
PERSONAL NUMEROLOGY: Personal Year: Number 8 – Personal Month: Number 1 – Personal Day: Number 6
MASTER NUMBER 33: 33 is the Master Teacher. Their focus is on reaching the world and uplifting the loving energy of humankind. They are not concerned with personal ambition and have great devotion to a cause. This number is signified by the word altruistic. This number has high energy and is involved with doing good in the world. They use their lives to raise the consciousness of as many people as possible. Their concern is the earth and all the people who live here.
Local Planetary Day: Mars- Local Planetary Hour: 4:39—5:33 PM | MoonBefore I left for my ceremony, I took a few minutes to engrave another of the large, flat stones I retrieved from the park a few days earlier. This particular stone had an interesting crack in the upper left-hand corner.
I arrived at the park at approximately 4:00 PM. At 4:15 PM, I began walking down the main trail on the east side of The Transfiguration of Christ Mountain.
I proceeded down this trail for several hundred yards until my line of vision was aligned perfectly with the Sun and the top of The Transfiguration of Christ Mountain. At that point, I knew the mountain was directly west of where I was standing. I headed west and walked straight to the top of the mountain.
While hiking across the desert, I happened upon a huge quartz crystal. As I examined the crystal closer, I noticed several images in the stone. On the left end of the stone, I could see the head of a Mountain Lion, while on the right end, I could see the profile of a huge Tiger or Lion.
I continued my hike towards the top of the mountain, stopping only briefly to place the second engraved stone in the crevice of a large rock. Once I was comfortable with the location, I continued on.
…I then flipped the stone over to hide the engraving.
After becoming situated and invoking the six directions, I sat down and began praying. I started at 4:39 PM, the first minute of the Planetary Hour Moon.
The Father and I are one.
I stand before thee in the Light of the Christ.
For I am Light
I am Light
I am that Light.
Under the Planetary Day Mars, and the Planetary Hour Moon, I asked that the Creator cleanse and send out love to all of the areas of Mother Earth highlighted in the following image, this time between the Latitude W160° and W150°, all the way from the North Pole down to the South Pole:
Google Earth Map 2013
Areas of Focus For Day 33: Latitude W160° and W150° | Arctic Ocean—Beaufort Sea—United States—North Pacific Ocean—Kiribati—Jarvis Island—French Polynesia—Cook Islands—South Pacific Ocean—Southern Ocean—Antarctica
Meditation/Prayer: I prayed that all stones, plants, animals, and human beings born in these areas would be cleansed and prepared for a great re-balancing and purification. I also prayed for all the creatures of the seas, land, and air and asked that they all return to perfect health.
I then asked the Creator to recognize the fact that Planet Earth and all of its inhabitants had a lot of nurturing and Love to offer, not only to the Universe but also to the other planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. I asked that all of the Unconditional Love that existed on Earth be sent out into our Solar System and Universe.
I then prayed, asking my ancestors from the stars to return to Mother Earth to help with the re-balancing. I informed them that the time was now. I asked that the purification take place in a nonjudgmental manner and that the energy of Unconditional Love is present at all times. I invited them to reveal themselves to me in a physical form during my journey if they deemed it appropriate.
I then continued with my prayers for healing.
Since it was Day 33, I decided to do something a little different. While using my Hopi rattle, I closed my eyes and imagined rays of light shooting out in every direction from the surface of the Earth. I envisioned these light rays as unconditional love, projecting into the solar system and the Universe.
For once, I thought it was time for all of the beings on Earth to come together and affect the stars and other planets in the solar system instead of the other way around. I believed that we all had a lot of nurturing and “life” to offer the cosmos, and it was our duty to project positive, creative energy instead of negative, destructive energy.
Once my prayers were complete, I spent the next forty minutes waiting for the Sun to set. A few minutes before the sun went down, a small Wren visited me, appearing on the rock next to the wooden cross.
Since a Wren had previously appeared on my journey, I knew immediately that its main message was “Messenger from the Gods.” When the Wren appeared so close to the wooden cross on Day 33, this sent chills down my spine.
I then waited until the very last minute of the Planetary Hour Moon to close out my ceremony. At precisely 5:33 PM, while the Sun was setting in the West…
…I rattled each of the six directions with the mantra;
The Father and I are one.
I stand before thee in the Light of the Christ.
For I am Light
I am Light
I am that Light.
At that very moment, my ceremony for the day was complete. I quickly headed back down the mountain towards the parking lot, stopping briefly to take one more photograph.
Once I reached the parking lot, I looked to the West and noticed Venus now had a companion: the new Moon.
And with that incredible sight, Day 33 of The Transfiguration of Christ was complete.