On December 28, I received the fourteenth response to the Unconditional Love survey from Casey, my dear friend who wrote all of the wonderful poems at the beginning of this journey. Thanks, Casey! Your response and wisdom are greatly appreciated.
Date of Reading: December 28, 2010
Participant’s Name: Casey
Casey’s Birthdate: 2/26/1926
1) Do you believe in Unconditional Love? If so, based on which religion or spiritual practice?
2) What does the concept of Unconditional Love mean to you personally?
3) Does your faith teach Unconditional Love? If so, please share that teaching here.
4) Are you political? How do you practice Unconditional Love in your politics?
5) Do you practice Unconditional Love in your everyday life?
6) Have you ever experienced Unconditional Love from another human being? If so, please share your experience here.
Casey’s response:
Yes, I have from early childhood believed in unconditional love as taught in Sunday School. I was raised Presbyterian and learned that we all had a direct line to God. While I can be alone, I don’t feel lonely because of my Guardian Angels. I think they work overtime on my behalf. Unconditional Love can take many forms, from small acts of kindness to lifesaving deeds. While I don’t consciously practice it, I do my best to be a comfort to those in distress. I have been a receiver of Unconditional Love from many people over my lifetime. A prominent, highly paid surgeon, who saved my life for a Medicare fee, as well as a neighbor who helped me relocate, are just a few examples. I am now at peace and happy with my life, it has been long and tumultuous and everyday is a new adventure. I believe that Unconditional Love is all around us everyday and the problem being, that we just fail to recognize it or to accept it.