May 15, 2012
I woke up in the middle of the night from a very bizarre vision. The strange part was that the vision’s location occurred right outside my van. In my dream or vision, it was daylight, and I was standing outside my van at my campsite. As I stood in the middle of my campground, a bazaar, winged creature flew in from a distance. The beast looked prehistoric and resembled a large bird or dragon.
As it flew toward me, one of its wings appeared broken, hanging by its side. I faced the creature and held up both hands, directing the palms of my hands at the broken wing. I continued to direct both hands at the creature and turned my body as it circled me. Suddenly, the broken wing began to flap; it was healed.
It circled me again before flying off into the canyon. I was frightened when I woke up, mainly because the dream felt like an out-of-body experience. After I realized where I was and that I was okay, I went back to sleep.
I officially woke up at 6:05 AM. The sun was coming over the horizon as I pulled back the curtain inside my van.
I was located on the 36°08′ Parallel.
Google Maps 2012
After an excellent breakfast at a local restaurant, I headed into Canyon de Chelly to explore and do some sightseeing. My primary goal this morning was to find an excellent location for my meditation. I drove to the last overlook on the eastern rim, the White House Ruins. I exited my van and walked to the canyon’s edge. I stood there for about 3 minutes when I heard a horse whining in the canyon below. After looking closer, I noticed a white horse running down the dirt road on the canyon floor. (The red circle in the photo below shows the horse’s location.)
This image is an enlarged version of the same photograph.
From previous sightings, I knew that horses conveyed a message of power and movement or expanding one’s abilities. Since a hiking trail led down to the bottom of the canyon, I instinctively knew the horse was inviting me to the canyon below.
I returned to my van, loaded my bag with water, snacks, reading glasses, and The 72 Names of God book, and headed down the White House Trail. I was initially intimidated since I wasn’t a huge fan of heights.
But after a few tunnels, some steep switchbacks, and fantastic scenery…
…I began to enjoy the hike. I reached the bottom 45 minutes later with no missteps or mishaps.
Once I reached the bottom, I continued my hike across the canyon floor to the White House Ruins.
These ruins blew me away. I began my invocation once I sat under a shade tree and organized everything. I invocated the “Order From Chaos” angel between 11:15 and 11:35 AM. Since the number 7 was mentioned in The 72 Names of God: Technology For The Soul, book, I looked around my surroundings, gathered seven different objects, placed them in my book, and asked the Creator to bless them.
Meditating, I prayed for new wisdom, enlightenment, and courage. Once my meditation was over, I looked overhead and took the following photograph.
I then removed the seven objects from my book, including the olive leaf, which I left as a peace offering. I thanked the Creator for allowing me to visit such a sacred place and then prepared for my departure.
I had to admit that, at times, being in this canyon felt otherworldly.
Once I finished exploring the canyon floor, I began my long hike back to the top. To gain some perspective, the next photo shows approximately ten people hiking to the top of the canyon.
Once I reached the top of the canyon, I returned to my van and departed the Canyon de Chelly National Monument. I spent the next few hours driving across the Navajo Indian Reservation to Shiprock, New Mexico. I soon passed the mountain known as Shiprock. This location was another place that I had always wanted to visit. Talking about otherworldly, this place was off the charts.
After stopping for a photograph, I continued towards Farmington, New Mexico, where I spent the evening working on my journal. That evening, I took a moment to look up the significance of Shiprock to the Navajo people. Shiprock had several legends associated with it, but there was one legend that stuck out:
“One legend has it that Bird Monsters (Tsé Ninájálééh) nested on the peak and fed on human flesh. In one version, after Monster Slayer destroyed Déélééd at Red Mesa, he killed two adult Bird Monsters at Shiprock and changed two young ones into an eagle and an owl. (In another version, the Warrior Twins were summoned to rid the Navajo of the Bird Monsters.) The peak is mentioned in stories from the Enemy Side Ceremony and the Navajo Mountain Chant. It is associated with the Bead Chant and the Naayee’ee Ceremony.”
The Google Earth image below and the legend above reminded me of my vision earlier that morning. I wondered if the dragon or large bird in my dream was the mountain calling to me, asking for healing. I hoped that my meditation at White House Ruins did just that.
Google Maps 2012
That evening, I rented a space in an RV park in Farmington. After a nice, hot shower, I went to bed around 10:00 PM.
Side Note: According to The 72 Names of God app on Google Play, the Order From Chaos is my birth angel.